Chapter 12- Daytime Adventures

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I woke up later than I usually do. I could see the light from the sun warming up the bed I was in. I was in Y/N's bed still. I must have tired myself out. My arms were empty and Y/N was nowhere to be found. I got out of bed and put my clothes back on. The bed was no longer warm from Y/N's body heat. She must have gotten up early.

I wandered around the house to see the note that was left for me. I guess I could get some things done and check up on her later. I left Y/N's house and headed to criminal headquarters, Debbie's house.

I was mad at Debbie and I needed to talk to her. I don't know what she said to Y/N, but I was going to set things right. I don't need Debbie interfering with my life. During the car ride, I could feel my hands get warm and tense with each turn and twist of the roads. I hated the fact that she made Y/N so upset. Debbie was just in the mood to aggravate me. I knew it.

Once I arrived, I got out of my car and opened the door to the loft sharply. I briskly walked over to Debbie, my anger was taking over my body and I wasn't in the mood to stop it.

"What the fuck. Really?" I was livid now. Looking down at Debbie.

"Really what?" Debbie was calm and didn't bother looking up at me as she sat at a small table looking over her computer.

"You couldn't leave it alone?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Stop. I'm not a croupier. Or a tourist with a bucket of quarters. Or a hotel manager. Don't con me." My voice was bitter and cut through her lungs with each breath I took.

Debbie stood up so that we were level with each other. "She's not going to last and we both know that"

"FUCK YOU!" I could have punched her right there and then. "Why do you do this?"

"Because I know how these things work and how they end" Debbie looked like she actually cared about my well being, but I was too far gone to care what she thought.

"This is just like last time" I shook my head and looked away and down from her. She did something similar to this before when I was talking to someone that wasn't her. She ruined something she had no business in.

"No it's not" Her tone changed, it was softer and quieter now. "Fine, I'll stop"

"Oh good. Glad we had this talk. I feel all better now" The sarcasm was bleeding off of my words.

"I mean it... I promise." Debbie looked almost broken when she spoke.

I turned around a paced back and forth across the wooden floor. What was I going to do? I couldn't strangle Debbie. I didn't know if she was being truthful though. All I could do was hope that her moral compass took a hold of her mind.

"Look I'm sorry, I'll stop. I just- I thought I was doing this to help you, Lou" She grabbed my arm so I was face to face with her again. I was still taller than her and I knew she would give in to me at some point. She may have a fierce look, but I was always in control.

"Just... stay away from Y/N" I shook her hand off of me and turned to walk out. I didn't want to talk to her anymore. I was done arguing and fed up.

I got back in my car and texted Y/N.

Lou: Do you want to meet up later?

I waited a second for a reply, but got nothing. I called her, again with no answer.

I drove home and got a refreshing shower. I wanted the conversation with Debbie to wash away with the soap on my body. I put on new clothes and grabbed my helmet for my bike. I rode out to Y/N's club.

I parked out front, a few steps away from the door. Once I was inside, I asked one of the workers if Y/N was in. She wasn't. She had just left. Damn, I lingered around the bar debating on whether I should leave or stay a little longer. When no one was looking, I snuck up to her office. It was easy since the club was always dark and I wasn't talking to anyone for them to notice that I had disappeared. I swiftly went up the stairs and straight to her office not wanting to be seen. I wasn't sure if I was allowed up here without Y/N, but I wanted to get away from boring people that were downstairs.

The door was unlocked and the lights were off. I shut the door softly behind me and switched on the lamp on her desk. I looked around a bit. She had a few bookshelves with some files and binders full of financial business. She was organized, but her office was cluttered with information about the club.

Her books were dusty, but in good condition. None of the spines were broken, but the paperback covers lifted a little when taken out to look at, showing that they had been read. She had a small couch in the corner with some clothes thrown over the armrest. I saw a shirt that was neatly folded next to a pile of the clothes. It was a dark gray/black and had a faded graphic design on it. I liked it. I grabbed it and a whiff of Y/N's perfume caught me by surprise. It was clean and smelled wonderful. I tucked the shirt in the pocket of my large jacket and continued to look through her office.

I sat down at her chair where she was the first day I talked to her. I looked on her desk to see the papers that had all of the information about the business offer I had given to her. I flipped through each paper and saw that she had signed on it. Why didn't she return the papers to me?

I grabbed the papers and walked out. I was quiet and slipped out the back door. I folded up the papers and put them in the other jacket pocket I had, and I was on my way back home.

~Authors note: I took the fight scene from Oceans 8 and worked it in to the story. I also used the fight scene from the script, not the movie itself. I hope yall like it. The script made Lou a badass and it made her curse more lol

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