Chapter 20- Lou's Spot pt 4

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The next morning, I woke up to the soft sound of music from the record player that Lou must have put on when she got up. It was still early in the morning, but Lou had gotten up before me. The side of her bed was still warm, so she must have just awakened.

The water was running in the bathroom and steam filled the room covering up the mirrors and seeping into the walls. I walked in and brushed my teeth. I fixed my hair a bit and the water had turned off. Lou stepped out of the shower with nothing on. Her body had droplets of water on it and her hair was dripping onto her shoulders.

I looked at her with surprise. I could not help but trail my eyes down her body and back up to her face which had a grin forming. She grabbed a towel and started to dry herself off, but not covering up her body to make sure that I had a complete view of her.

She walked up to me, towel still in hand squeezing out the water still in her hair, "You decided to finally get up huh?" Her face was inches away from me and her bangs parted naturally to showcase her icy eyes that were piercing into mine.

"It's still early" I was trying to keep my cool and control my urge to throw myself at her and kiss her all over her body. I turned away from her to leave the bathroom when she grabbed my hips and forced me to turn back to her.

"I wasn't finished" She raised her eyebrows to see if I would detest and rebel against her grip on my shirt.

"Well?" My heart was pounding in my chest and I wanted to feel her and touch her all over, but I held back.

"Be ready soon, I'm going to take you somewhere." And with that she let go of me and went on drying her hair, finishing her shower routine. I was about to leave when I quickly kissed her on the cheek and ran out before she could react. Lou started laughing and so did I as I left and began to get myself ready for the day.

I fed our new cat and made sure that it was doing okay in its new environment. The cat was a little nervous and kept an eye on its surroundings, cautiously checking for danger. It was skinny, almost malnourished. I made it as comfortable as I could and met Lou at the front door to leave.

She was wearing a dark shirt that had a graphic design on it. It was my shirt. I hadn't been able to find that shirt for a while now and I know that I didn't pack it with my other clothes, yet I couldn't recall to where I left it last.

"Is that my shirt?" I asked but I knew the answer. I was hoping that Lou would give some context to when she had gotten a hold of it.

But all she said was "Yes" with a small nod of her head and walked out the door to her car, waiting for me to follow, which I did.

She took me to a small cafe in town and we ordered breakfast. We were sitting by a window at  a small table, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. She was so euphoric and I didn't know what I did in life to deserve someone like her.

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a bunch of papers that were folded up.

"I'm not sure if you still want to do this, but I thought you might want to continue our business deal from before." She unfolded the papers. The papers I had signed for the new club weeks ago.

"I do." I said with an innocent smile.

"I'm glad. Today I was hoping that we could start designing the new club and search for a new building." She was excited that I still wanted to work with her as if I wouldn't do anything she wanted already. "I was also wondering." She took a pause and a deep breath before continuing. She was nervous and fidgeted with her rings on her fingers. Twisting them and turning them. "I was wondering if you wanted to make us official."

My heart leaped out of my chest. I wanted to jump across the table between us and kiss her. "Like, be your girlfriend?" Yes. Yes. Yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lou.

"Umm, yeah. Do you?" She looked at me with her blue eyes reading my face for my answer.

"No, I don't think so." I said smiling and rolling my eyes.

"Oh shut up" She laughed.

I then took her hand in mine and laced my fingers with hers. "Of course I want to be your girlfriend." My face couldn't relax and my smile reached from ear to ear. I was giddy with happiness and I never wanted our time together to fade away.

She leaned over and kissed me gently on the cheek paired with the purest grin afterward.

After we finished eating, we put down a payment on a building near both of our houses in the city for our club. We had looked at one online and fell in love with it. It was large and perfect for a club. We then got some booklets and magazines to look at furniture and fixtures to decorate.

When we got back to the house, I flipped through the pages to find chairs and tables that we both liked. Lou sat next to me with her arm around me as we searched through the booklets. I found a few couches that I like with some light fixtures that would suit the ambiance of the place.

The cat would rub past our legs every once in a while and continue its day which consisted of naps and playing with its new toys.

The feeling of being with Lou and planning our future together was like a perfect picture. We would laugh, talk, and joke around. I was on cloud nine and Lou was there with me. We were having fun the way children would at a playground during recess. And above all that, I was Lou's girlfriend and she was mine.

The days at the house, away from the city, started to blend together, not in a forgetful way like when I used to be bored all the time and not remember if it was a Monday or a Friday because they had all felt the same. This time was blended together with the happiness that filled each day and the joyous mornings and nights. I wasn't sure if it had been a week now at the house or more than that. It could have even been a little less than a week, but the days didn't matter, it's what filled those days and the person I was with.

The cat was also now well adjusted to us and the house, purring when being petted and following our movements around the rooms. We still hadn't come up with a name. We also needed to come up with a name for our club, but nothing was coming to mind that would fit properly.

One afternoon, I went to the store to get some accessories for the cat and some extra food for the way back. We planned on going back to the city in a couple of days to finalize our new club and cut ties with the old ones. I could have stayed at that house for months, but I knew getting the club off the ground would benefit us both.

When I got back to the house there was another car in the driveway. I didn't recognize it although I did not pay much attention to cars. I really only knew mine and Lou's, and of course Lou's motorcycle, but that was it. I grabbed the items I had bought and headed inside.

~Authors note: Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment. I love reading yalls feedback. I'm back from my road trip, so I will probably update more often now.

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