Gift Two

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The next day I was getting dressed for our day out when Ronnie barged into the bathroom, holding my phone. "Who the fuck is Chris, Jade?!" He demanded with an angry expression. I shrank back, confused, and looked at my phone.

"He's a friend from work. Why are you going through my phone?"

"Why are you talking to another guy?!" He countered, full on rage as he stepped toward me angrily. I shook my head, still at a loss of what he was trying to get at.

"He's a friend. You talk to your friends. What's the big deal?"

Suddenly my face burned from a slap I hadn't seen coming. "Don't you talk back to me you little bitch! If you talk to him again we're done!" He slammed my phone onto the ground, shattering the screen, and then stomped on it for good measure. I gasped in shock as tears rolled down my face, my cheek on fire and the taste of blood in my mouth. He had caused the inside of my cheek to be cut on my teeth when he had slapped me!

As Ronnie walked away, I slowly slid down to the floor and sobbed.


I laid in our bed, my hand on my stomach as our babies moved and kicked. I hadn't seen Ronnie all day. I didn't know if he was going to even coming home tonight.

Glancing at the bedside clock, I found it was six at night. He had been gone all day doing God knows what. Just then Charlie's head popped up from beside me and he jumped off the bed.

He was home.

I rolled into my side, my back facing the door, and pretended to be asleep. I heard him walk into the room.

"Mouse?" He whispered. "You awake?" The bed dipped as he climbed on behind me, molding to my back and putting his arm around me. His hand fell upon my stomach as he spoke again, "I'm so sorry I snapped. I saw you had a text and when I saw it was from a guy I thought you were cheating on me."

"Well I'm not." I said bluntly.

"I know. I went and talked to Chris and he said he would stop texting you." I sat up, enraged, and glared at him.

"You did what?!" Ronnie sat up and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why are you so mad? You shouldn't have guy friends anyway. I should be the only guy friend you need." He poked out his bottom lip, pretending to pout, and took my hands in his. "Come on baby, don't be mad at me. I only did what was best for us." He pulled me into his lap and kisses my neck. "I picked something up for you. Wanna see?" He waited until I finally nodded my head before he pulled out a black box. He opened the lid and inside was an infinity heart necklace with the message "words are not enough to express

how special you are to me

and if I have to tell you a hundred times of how much

I love you

I will never grow weary

Meeting you was fate

Becoming your friend was a choice

But falling in love with you was beyond my control."

I put my hand over my heart as tears rolled down my face. Looking up at him, I could see the pain on his face and the tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jade. I never meant to hurt you." I started crying, pulling him donw toward me, and wrapping my arms around his neck. His enfolded around me and held me so tight it was almost painful, but i didn't complain. I held onto him as if my life depended on him and cried. "Please forgive me." Unable to speak from my crying, I nodded my head that I forgave him, and he kissed my shoulder tenderly. "Thank you," he kept repeating, over and over as he cried.

Once we were both cried out,I leaned against him and he jerked. "That was your babies." I said sleepily. They can tell your home." Ronnie repositioned us so we were laying down, and placed his hand on my stomach. Both babies kicked and he smiled. Leaning down to my belly he said, "I promise I'll never hurt you or your mama ever again." Then he kissed my belly twice and then moved up and kissed me. I held him against my chest as he watched the movements from my belly.

Charlie barked his entrance and climbed up on the bed. "Come here boy," Ronnie said, patting the bed beside my belly. The happy pitty made a nest in the bed before settling down and sniffing my belly. He gave me a few kisses before moving on to Ronnie, and then settled down in his spot. I reached out and scratched his back as he relaxed beside me, my other hand playing with Ronnie's hair.

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