It's Just Coffee

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Pulling into the drive way of my one bedroom, one story home, I parked and sat in the car for  the longest time wondering if our encounter had really happened. Maybe it had all been in my mind? I had daydreamed it! That much be it!

Feeling slightly less anxious, I turned off the motor and climbed out. It was drizzling now, so I quickly made my way into my house, unlocking the front door and moving inside the cold, air conditioned inside.

Closing the door behind me, I locked it and looked around. All was silent. I walked around, peeking into the different rooms to make sure no one was hiding anywhere. When I'm satisfied no one is going to jump out at me, I slip off my shoes and walk into my room to change into something more comfortable.

Out of no where, my phone starts ringing and I groan. I just got off, there is no way I'm going back. Unless they ask me too, then I'd go back. What can I say? I'm a pushover and I know it.

Pulling out my phone I see the name Ronnie lighting up my screen. My face turns red and I almost drop my phone. With shaky hands, I click the answer button and bring the phone to my ear. "He-hello?" I stutter shyly.

"Hey Mouse. I'm glad you answered." My heart skips a beat as it falls into my stomach. He is? "Are you free for that coffee?" He asks, almost as if he isn't sure if I'll even agree again now that I'm not in front of him.

Blushing, I nod my head as I shyly reply with, "Y-yeah."

"Good. Text me your address. I'm on my way." He hung up and I stood there stunned. He was going to pick me up? If we were just hanging out I'd drive myself, right?

Pulling up a text message, I typed in my address with the message: "if you get lost call" attached. Then I went to my dresser and took out a pair of jeans with a plain black t-shirt. I changed my clothes and then slipped on my shoes and then brushed my sea green hair out. I fixed my eyeliner before I heard a knock on my front door.

Instantly my heart went into over drive as I walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. Standing on my door step, dressed in all black, was Ronnie. He looked so different outside of his work clothes, but that wasn't a bad thing. If it was possible he was even more attractive than before. "It was easy to get here. We live only ten minutes apart."

"Oh?" I grabbed my keys and purse before following him outside to a very tall truck. I blushed realizing I was going to have to literally CLIMB into the truck. If my foot would reach since they had no running boards.

"I got you, Mouse." Before I could ask what he meant, I was scooped up into his arms like a bride and sat onto the passenger seat. "You blush a lot, don't you." He teased as he stood beside my door, his right arm above the door so he could lean in closer. I looked away as he chuckled. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He closed the door, walked around the truck, and climbed into the drivers seat.

I buckled up and tried to calm down. It was just coffee. He was just teasing me, that's all.


When we pulled up to a coffee house, he found a parking spot and turned off the motor. "Can you climb out or do you want me to help you, Mouse?" He asked with a teasing smile. I blushed and shook my head.

"I can do it." I opened the door and slid down the seat until my feet hit the pavement. It was embarrassing to be so short, but there was nothing I could do about that. Closing the door, I met him around the front of the truck and found him smiling. He looked amused.

Without a word we walked into the shop, the smell of coffee beans hitting our senses, and made our way to the counter. "What would you like Mouse?" He asked, looking down at me as if I were his child instead of his friend.

"Black, please." He raised an eyebrow at my response before ordering two large cups of plain coffee. He paid, waving me off when I tried to pay for my own, which only made me question if this really was a date. I pushed the thought away and accepted my coffee when he held it out to me.

"You pick where we sit." I looked around and walked over to a quiet corner booth where there was hardly anyone around. I lead the way there and slipped into the booth, surprised when he slipped in beside me instead of across from me. I scooted by the wall so he would have room and set down my cup, sliding my hands down the warm cup and focusing on the dark liquid inside.

"So tell me something about yourself, Mouse." He took a sip of his coffee before pushing hair behind his ear. I felt my heart tighten in my chest. I hated this part. I never knew what to say.

"I'm very shy." He chuckled.

"I know that already."

"I have bipolar depression and anxiety." I glanced at him out the corner of my eye wondering if he had run away yet, but he was still there.

"Same. Depression and anger issues and a lot of other shit." I smiled and looked up at him.

"So you know how it feels to be so paranoid that you have to check every inch of your house before you can feel safe?"  He shook his head.

"Nah. I'm not paranoid like that. I'm a jealous person though." I blushed. Why did he tell me that? "So don't go letting other guys hit on you, ok Mouse." I laughed softly. He was definitely teasing me.

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