Movie Night Pt1

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Opening my eyes the next morning, I laid in bed and sighed. Was yesterday just a dream? Did it happen or had I imagined it all? Feeling happy and giddy, I climbed out of bed and made my way into my bathroom. I showered and got ready for work before heading out the door.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I parked my car and found Ronnie sitting on the hood of his truck next to me. In his hands were two coffees from the coffee house we had gone to yesterday.

I turned off the motor and climbed out of the car, sliding my lanyard around my neck. Then I closed my car door as he walked around my car and smiled. "Good morning, Mouse. Coffee?" He held out a large cup of what smelled like dark roast to me. I smiled, blushing, and reached out for the cup. Our fingers brushed as I accepted the coffee, sending chills down my spine.

"Thank you, Ronnie." He flashed a big smile and put his hand on my waist as we walked into the store. I blushed, fire erupting where his fingers sat on my waist even though there was fabric between our flesh.

"That's the first time you've used my name. You should do it more often." I made a mental note to use his name more as we walked to the time clock and punched in. "I'll see you when things start getting busy, Mouse." He pulled my body against his in a hug, his lips passing against the top of my head. I blushed beat red and nodded.

"Ok." I smiled up at him before turning and walking toward the register. Julie rushed over and grabbed my hand.

"Omg are you dating that hottie?" She asked, her eyes moving between me and Ronnie as he walked outside to gather the carts in the parking lot. I glanced back at him as he looked over at me and smiled when he waved.

"Ugh... I don't really know." Julie giggled.

"I've never seen him hug anyone else. You two must be dating." I blushed dark red again and moved around to my register. We were just friends. Friends hugged each other, right. But did they kiss each other on the head? I had never kissed my friend before.

As the day went on, any time we had a break or things got hectic, I would look up and there would be Ronnie, looking at me with that smile I was beginning to get used to.

....3 Weeks Later...

Clocking out, I walked toward the front of the building with Julie, and as if on que, a hand slipped around my waist and I smiled. "What do you say to heading to my place for a movie night?" I tilted my head back to look up at Ronnie and smiled. I had broken out of my she'll around him over the few weeks we had been hanging out. I was too embarrassed to admit that I was more relaxed around him than I was around my longer friendship with Julie. What exactly did that mean?

"Yeah. I just wanna go home and change." I hugged Julie as we parted ways and Ronnie and I made our way toward his truck. He had picked me up for work instead of me driving. My breaks needed changing and I had to wait until tomorrow when I got paid, so he insisted that he drive me.

"You can wear one of my shirts. You'll be good." He kissed the top of my head and opened the passenger door. I climbed up, having gotten used to the high climb over the past few days, and he closed my door. I watched him walk around the truck before climbing into the drivers side door. We buckled up and he pulled out of the parking spot and headed toward his home.

I had never been to his house before, so I was nervous. Up until now we had always gone to public spots to hang out. It was safe to say I was nervous, but the funny thing was when I was around Ronnie, my mind was calm and I felt at ease.

As we turned on the road, Ronnie fidgeted with the radio until he found a song he liked, and then leaned back into a comfortable position in his seat as he drove. "Do you wanna get drinks? I'm paying." Neither of us worked tomorrow, and I wasn't driving home, so I nodded.

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