Melody Rain

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[6 month pregnant]
Ronnie and I have been dating for eight months now and I've been staying at his house more than I stay at my own. This morning I rolled over in bed, opened my eyes, and found the bed empty. I frowned, wondering why the bed was empty.

"Ronnie?" I called, touching the spot where he slept to find it still warm. The sound of the toilet flushed and I turned my head to find Ronnie walking sleepily out of the bathroom and back onto the bedroom. He was completely naked from our activities last night.

"You ok baby?" He asked, noticing that I was awake. I nodded, watching him climb back in bed and open his arms for me to crawl into. Pressing myself to him, he placed his hand on my now growing belly, gently rubbing back and forth. "I want you to quit work. Let me take care of you and our baby."

"Won't that run you ragged?" I asked, concerned for his health. He was already working two jobs, and we hardly saw each other. If I quit working we'd see each other slightly more. He kissed my head.

"I'm more concerned about you, baby. Your already getting so big." I glared at him and stared down at my stomach. I was pregnant with twins so at six months, I looked as if I was about seven or eight months. I was huge!

"Fine. I'll go in tomorrow and put in my two weeks notice."

"No two weeks. Get a drs note saying you have to quit asap for the sake of the twins." I nodded and closed my eyes, drifting off back to sleep in his arms.


Opening my eyes I found myself alone again. I looked at the time and knew that Ronnie was away at work. I climbed out of bed and pulled on a dress before I walked down to the living room and into the kitchen. I fixed a pot of coffee, then some toast and walked into the living room to eat as the coffee brewed.

As I ate my toast there was a knock on the door. Charlie started barking and growling, a side of him I'd never seen before. Puzzled, I stood up from the couch and walked over to the door. "It's ok, Charlie. I got it." I walked over to the protective pitbull and patted his side before opening the door.

On the door step was a woman, younger than me, dressed in skinny jeans, a crop top, and had her hair teased and cut like the emo kids wore their hair back when I was in school. I smiled at her, my hand instinctively laying upon my belly. "Hi. Can I help you?"

She was smiling really wide behind sunglasses, but I could feel her eyes all over me. They hoovered on my belly as she said, "hi there! I'm Melody, you're new neighbor." I smiled and took her outstretched hand.

"I'm Jade. I stay here with my boyfriend, Ronnie, but he's at work right now." She nodded and made an obvious glance down at my belly.

"Oh wow, you must be close to popping!" She giggled and reached for my belly. I quickly stepped back and smiled.

"Actually I'm only six months. I'm having twins, and I'd prefer if you didn't try and touch my belly. No offense." She flashed another smile but I could tell I had annoyed her. Not that it mattered. I didn't know her.

"Wow, twins. Your so lucky." She giggled again and put her hands down. "The father must be so excited." The way she said her last statement made it sound like a question instead of a sentence. Like she was asking if he was happy. I wanted her to leave. She was starting to give me a bad feeling.

"Was there something you had wanted, Mrs Melody?" I asked, not even bothering to answer her question. She didn't seem phased.

"I just wanted to introduce myself. I hope we can become good friends Jade." She reached out and hugged me, lingering a little too long before she pulled away and walked off. I shut the door and shivered.

"Next time you growl at the door, I'm not answering it." I told Charlie as he walked over to see if I was alright.

"So I met our new neighbor today." I said at dinner that night. Ronnie looked up with a mouth full of stake. "Something about her doesn't sit right with me. I'm just not sure what it is." He cleared his mouth and took my hand gently in his.

"Yeah, but you don't like most people, remember?" I glared at him and he laughed. "If you want, tomorrow I'll go meet her." I shook my head.

"Your off and I want you all to myself." I said, squeezing his hand and putting it on my stomach. Just then a flutter moved across my stomach, under his hand, and we stared wide eyed at one another before we broke into laughter. "I think they want their daddy home too."

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