Bed Rest and Warnings

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[7 Months Pregnant]

Sitting in the Dr.'s office I leaned my head against Ronnie's shoulder and laced my fingers through his. He looked down at me and kissed my head gently. The bruise on my cheek was healed, and like he'd promised, he hadn't hurt me again since that day. I haven't worked in weeks and I'm starting to go stir crazy. Staying home all the time is driving me nuts, but I'm getting bigger and its getting more and more uncomfortable standing for long periods of time.

"Mrs. Henderson?"

I lifted my head and Ronnie stood up and helped me to my feet. We followed the nurse through the doorway and into the back office, past a few doors and into our room.

"Please undress from the waist down. We have to do a pelvic exam."

"Ok." She closed the door and I looked at Ronnie with an annoyed expression.

"Good thing you wore a dress." he teased, then stood up and pulled on a pair of gloves. "Hop up and lets take a look little lady." he said with a mock professional voice. I laughed and shooed him away.

"Don't make me laugh, you'll make me pee on myself." I fussed as I slid off my panties and placed them on the chair. Ronnie helped me climb up onto the bed as there was a knock on the door. When it opened my Dr walked in and smiled.

"Hello, Jade. Ronnie. How are you doing?" Dr Blake asked as she walked over to the counter while Ronnie shifted out of the way.

"A little uncomfortable, but no other complaints."

"Yes, the closer you get to your due date the more uncomfortable you'll become unfortunately." She washed her hands and pulled on a fresh pair of gloves as I positioned my feet on the stirrups. "Have you come up with any names yet?" She poured gel onto her fingers. "Relax."

As I focused on relaxing my pelvic muscles, Ronnie answered her question. "If we have girls we'll name them Willow and Abigail. For boys Damien and Micheal."

"All beautiful names." Dr Blake pulled her fingers from inside me and pulled off her gloves. "You're already 25% effaced so I'm gonna have to put you on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

My heart sank. That meant I was only allowed to get up and use the bathroom and bathe. Everything else was done in bed! I groaned but knew it was for the best. "Alright."

"I know it sucks but at least this guy gets to wait on you hand and foot." She looked at Ronnie and smiled. "Don't let her lift a finger Mr."

"Aye aye, captain!" He saluted her playfully as she went about measuring my belly and listening to the babies heart beats. Then she told us to reschedule another visit for ever two weeks and we were done.

Walking through the lobby, my eyes fell upon a familar face. She sat in the same love seat Ronnie and I had sat in moment before. She didn't appear to see me, and Ronnie was in such a hurry to leave, I allowed him to pull me right out the front door without saying a word to her. "I think I just saw Melody."

"Is that your friend that moved in next door?" he asked, walking me to the car and opening the passenger door for me.

"I wouldn't call her my friend, but yes. That's her." I slipped into my seat and buckeled up as he closed my door and ran around the car. Climbing in, he closed his door, buckled up, and started the car. Ever since I had gotten so big he had started driving my car whenever I needed to go anywhere since climbing in and out of his truck was becoming more and more difficult.

"Are you hungry, baby girl?"

"I'd love some food right now. Maybe something covered in chocolate." He chuckled because these days I wanted everything covered in chocolate. I didn't eat it unless it was deserts, but anything in chocolate sounded good to me.

"How about we go home and eat and on the way I'll stop and get you some chocolate covered strawberries?" I smiled and nodded, willing to do anything he said if it would make him happy, and reclined my seat back to a comfortable position. Ronnie pulled out of the parking space and I turned my head just as the doors opened and out walked Melody. It was definitely her.


Climbing out of the car, I heard a pixie like voice call my name. I looked up and forced a smile. "Melody. Hi."

"Hi there. How are you feeling today?" Ronnie walked over as she reached us and froze for a split second, but I didn't notice. I was too busy trying to steady my heart.

"Oh you know, I'm as good as one can be when you're this big," I commented, knowing for a fact I had seen her at the OBGYN. I shook the uneasy feeling away and scolded myself. She could have been there for a normal appointment, or maybe she was pregnant? Who knows? It wasn't my buisness, and I wasn't going to ask. "Ronnie, this is Melody. Melody, this is my boyfriend, Ronnie." She held her hand out and smiled sweetly at him. I knew she was flirting with him, and he knew it too. Ronnie shook her hand and then took mine.

"It's nice to meet you, but please stay away from my girlfriend and my family." Ronnie turned and dragged me into the house as I stared in shock. What was that about? Did he get the same creepy feeling that I did from her?

Once we were inside, I took my hand back and watched Ronnie lock all the locks on our door and shut our curtains. "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't want you talking to her, you hear me, Jade. She's bad news." He was so paniced it started scaring me. My heart beat speed up as I grabbed his hand and stopped him from walking away from me.

"Ronnie, talk to me, please! What is going on?" He wrapped his fingers around my hand and lead me over to the sofa. Sitting me down he sat next to me so that he was looking directly at me, and took in a deep breath.

"When I was younger, I used to date her. It started off cool, she was sweet and slightly clingy." I inwardly groaned. Of course she was an ex of his. Why not. "But over the months she became obsessed with me. Texting me all the time, stalking me on every social media account I had, following me to work, getting me fired among other things. She even called the cops and said I beat her- which I had never laid a hand on her!" He took in a deep breath and sighed. "When I broke up with her, she tried to kill herself in my bed while I was away at work. My parents found her and called 911, which saved her life. I moved away and now she's found me again."

"So you think she's here because she wants you?" Ronnie racked his fingers through his hair and dropped his head.

"I do."

"Well, she came to the wrong house. I will beat her ass before she lays another finger on you." Ronnie laughs.

"I can imagine you beating her ass as pregnant as you are." he said while chuckling. I glared. She was lucky I was bed-ridden because other wise I'd go find her ass right now and make sure she knows I'm not one to fuck with. "Promise me you will not let her in here ever. Don't answer the door when I'm not around. In fact, when I'm working, you and Charlie are going to your house."

"Alright." I hadn't been home in months. I'm sure I had some clothes that needed washing and folding. Though I was on bedrest. Ugh, what was I going to do?!

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