Cade got anxious about the smallest one. "But everyone will be fine, right?" He asked the doctor.

"Yes, they will be. Please continue taking the vitamins on regular basis. The milk will be a great help too and please continue eating healthy." The doctor said. "About the gender, do you want to know now? I am already certain about these."

"No, please tell the gender to Bruno. He will be in charge of the gender reveal party." My hubby told him.

"I want to know now, baby! Let's just act surprised at the party." I suggested.

"Nope. Patience, baby." Cade is really serious about this party or something.

We are now heading back to the mansion. I noticed something different from Bruno. It's been weeks that he is being obvious.

We are in the car, Bruno is driving for us and beside him is Bernard sitting on the front passenger seat.

"Bruno, who is more attractive, me or Mayka?" I asked him.

"You are not asking that intentionally for me to hear, right? I am not in the mood today, baby." Cade is quick to reply.

"I am just asking Bruno. I am curious. He can just answer me right away but the fact that he is hesitating to answer makes my assumption right."

"You, sir. You are more attractive." He answered.

"If you'll be in a relationship with a guy, do you think you'll be the wifey or the hubby?" I asked Bruno. Cade is already annoyed by the fact that I keep talking to our bodyguard.

"I am straight, sir." He answered.

"Okay, if you say so." I just focused my attention on my hubby who is being cranky since I started talking to Bruno.

When we got home, Mayka opened the door for us. He was tasked to guard the mansion since there is no Kirigun left in the house earlier. I looked at Bruno but I didn't get my expected reaction from him.

I have a hunch that these two are awkward with each other. Smells fishy. They can't be though. They will be both hubbies.

"You keep smiling, what's running to your head?" Cade asked. Well, I am shipping a straight guy and a tough top in my mind.

"You! Kiss." I pouted my lips. Cade grabbed my waist and kissed me.

"You really have a big tummy now. It's incredible to see, baby. You look beautiful."

"Because I have three babies inside."

I saw Mix wearing a blue polo on our way to the main house.
"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I have a day off too, of course. Time for a date." So cocky.

"Baby, date me too. I want to have a dinner date too, please." I begged my hubby.

"I'll set it up later. Rest for now."
Cade told me. He brought me to our room. He took off my shoes and my gartered pants. Mama Type is the one sending me maternity clothes. These are customized by famous designers that you will be shocked to know who. I never crossdressed, so they made some clothes perfect for my size. I am so huge. I am even heavier than Cade now. I am like double his size.

Mrs. Sheeba called to inform me that mama Type sent me food. How can I tell him to stop sending me anymore?
I don't like it now. The smell makes me wanna throw up. How did I manage to eat those before? Or maybe it's always good and I am just sensitive today. I am confused.
In the end, Mrs. Sheeba placed them on the elevator for me to take them. I just took a picture and sent him that I got it already.

I've been just away from Cade for almost 30 minutes but I missed him already. He is studying his lessons for the exams and he needs peace. He said he can't focus when I am beside him but I really miss him now. I want to call him but I don't want to disturb my baby.

I just walked to the pool area and my bodyguard followed me.

"Can I just call you B? Or do you love your name Bruno so much? How about Bru? No?" I tried to have a conversation with him.

"Anything, sir." He is not glancing at me.

"Can you call Mayka?" I asked him.

"Whaaaat, whyyyy, sir?" He stuttered. His reaction is way too funny.

"Because I want to. Can't I talk with my brother? You can just ask him through that something on your ear." I pointed to their communication device.

Seconds after, I am hearing him talking to Mayka asking him to go to the pool area. Bruno is so red. I just want to tease him because I am bored.

I never saw them talking face to face but I feel something with the way they look at each other.

Mayka walked to me and asked my problem. I just talked to him about random stuff. "Bruno, what is the gender of my babies?" I asked him.

"Sorry, sir. I can't tell." He replied.

Damn! I am itching to know! I wanna create more designs of clothes but I don't know if my babies are all boys or girls or a combination of boys and girls.

Mayka told me that he needs to leave. He also exchanges glances with Bruno.
I am sure this bodyguard has a thing for my brother. Straight your face! Now, I am curious about who will adjust for this future relationship. Who could be the bottom? I am shipping them in my head.

I am drowning in my thoughts when my boyfriend rang my phone. I open my cam to show him where I am.

"Baby, I am at our room to rest. Come back here, please. I wanna hug you and cuddle with my fluffy wifey." He smiled. But that smile slowly faded when he saw my reaction after calling me fluffy.

"Why am I fluffy, baby?" I asked him.
"Do you think I am fat? My tummy is just bigger than normal because I am having three. You don't love me anymore."

"I never said I don't love you." He told me.

"You said I am big and it's the same thing."

"What the hell, Miles?"

"See? You hate it when I call you Cade but you are calling me Miles too."

"Baby, justcome up here, will you?
I am waiting. I have a surprise for you." He knows I love surprises from him.
I walked to our room and my jaw dropped when I saw his surprise for me. It was so huge. He knows my weakness. Okay, forgiven.

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