~Sam~ (5)

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You loved going on hunts with Sam and Dean, they didn't want you to come at first but then they realized how bad ass you were at hunting. But you really liked Sam, which was a really bad weakness. If a demon were to find out he would touchier you untill you died.

"Y/N! Can you come down here for a second?" You heard Dean calling from the kitchen. You sat down your book and walked downstairs.

"Yea? What's up!" You said all exited. You knew they were going on a hunt because Dean was sharpening his favorite blade.

"Ok so there's this thing that's going to Wisconsin and they are going for nice dressed girls that are alone in this bar. And... We kinda need you to... Go." Dean tried to say. You could see the concern in his eyes but you knew you were safe.

"So you want me to dress up for a hunt?" You questioned Dean to sum up. You heard foot steps behind you so you turned to see Sam standing right behind you. Butterflies formed almost instantly.

"That's it... Do you have anything to wear?" Sam asked. You suddenly remembered that you don't really have any dressy clothes.

"Um no..." You looked down at the floor and felt the butterflies dying inside of you. You hated going dress shopping because it always made you feel ugly.

"We can go to the mall if you want, I don't have a good tux to wear." Sam explained. You looked at him again and he had a small smile on his face that turned into a puppy face in a matter of seconds. Which made you give in right away.

"Ok." You said running to your room. You grabbed your sweater and walked to the Impala.


She walked out from the bunker looking flawless as always. I never told her that I liked her but I planed to tell her today. She got into the Impala and looked nervous.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked. She slowly looked at me and had a small tear in her eye. "What's the matter? Did Dean say something?"

"No Sam, I just, don't really like dress shopping." She replied. "I hate how it makes me feel."

Why would she ever say that? She has an amazing body! What could a girl ask for?

I started the Impala and drove, the car was silent the whole ride but I could tell that's what Y/N wanted. I looked over to her and she was looking out the window. I could see she still had a tear going down her check.

We got to the bar and walked to the closest tux shop. I let Y/N pick it out just to make her feel good, and in return I got to pick her dress.

I tried on what Y/N gave me and it actually looked pretty nice. I walked to the viewing room and showed her.

"You look, amazing!" She stuttered. "See it's so easy for you just to put something on and look good in, unlike me I need to have multiple things to find one thing that looks good on me."

"That is not true! When we go to your store I'll show you that you look beautiful in everything!" I yelled loud enough that she could only hear me.

We bought the suit and walked over to her store. It was kinda fancy but some of the manikins arms were broken off. Stupid people always breaking things. I looked around and found an amazing dress that Y/N could were!

"Hey! How about this?" I asked Y/N. She spun around and examined it.

"If I don't look good in it don't be disappointed, ok?" She sighed. She walked to the dressing room and disappeared behind the certain. I was kinda existed to see her in a dress. She has always worn jeans, a shirt, and sometimes a tank top. I got my phone ready to take a picture of her and right when she came out I dropped my phone.

"So, what do you think?" She asked. I was speechless, she looked amazing! Just like I pictured.

"Y/N, you look, wow." I hinted.

"Thanks," Her checks and ears started to get red. I loved it when that happened. "I kinda like it." She spun around to the mirror and swooshed the dress around.

I got up sun her back to me and gave her a kiss. She was shocked at first but melted into it. "I love you Y/N, and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever meet." I confessed. I didn't care if she didn't like me back but I guess she did because she kissed me again and whispered "I love you too."

We bought the dress and walked to the Impala.

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