~Dean~ (1)

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You walk downstairs from your room and see Dean researching on some vampires you've read about them in the paper. You sit down to join him when he suddenly gets up and leaves you there sitting alone. Damn it. You whisper to yourself, you wanted to talk to Dean about how you really, REALLY like him but he walked away too soon.

"Y/N can you come here for a second?" You hear Dean's voice calling you from the living room.

You hurry and see him looking at a blank tv screen, you think he's going to tell you something,  something bad.

"Hey Dean," You rub his shoulder as you sit next to him. "What's up?"

"I.. Um... Ok this is stupid! Y/N I really like you, more than like you, I am in love with you and I honestly can't keep it to myself anymore!"
The tension between you two is intense. He just stares at you, waiting for a reaction. You look at the floor, unable to comprehend what just happened. You looked back up at his beautiful features and smiled.

He leans in to kiss you. You laugh as you feel his soft lips touch yours. Finally you break away from his lips and you open your eyes. Just then you realized that Dean wasn't just a hunter, he was kind, loyal, and nice looking.

"Dean," You lean into his ear and whisper, "I love you too."

You grab his hand and bring him into the kitchen to make dinner.

AN: Sorry really short :\

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