Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

"Very well," the guard said. "But what about him?"

"I've throughly verified his identity," Mal said, her voice firm." Believe me when I say that he would never cause the accused to run rampant through Auradon or through the Isle ever again."

You know," the second guard said, having been silent for most of the conversation. "I think it's just about time for our break anyway. In all honesty Lady Mal, you'll not find many among the guards who are all that fond of Mr. Frollo here. Not after his actions at Cotillion."

"I figured as much," Mal nodded. "Go take your break gentlemen. I'll make sure Freddy doesn't escape."

The guards smiled at her and walked off as Mal and Ryan slipped in to Freddy's cell. Unlike the last time Freddy was in their custody, this time he was chained to the wall with the keys kept with the guards.

"Hold up," Mal said as they stood in the doorway and looked at Ryan. "Hand me your sword."

"What? Why?!"

"You're not killing him."

"But if he's slated for execution, why...?"

Mal sighed, keeping her voice low as to avoid Freddy overhearing her. "He's slated for execution so I will be killing him. Ben doesn't necessarily like it but I told him it's the only way we can make sure it's over."

" why'd you bring me here?" Ryan asked.

"Because he took advantage of the stampede at the docks to escape the first time," Mal said simply, resting a hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Henry told me once, in one of his reports. He told me you were training like something was going to happen. Kristy told you something that day didn't she? The day I took you to the Underworld?"

Ryan nodded hesitantly, shooting Freddy a glare before looking back over to Mal. "She...Freddy was there. She saw him. He was there and he didn't help her at all! He could have at least gotten her to the hospital you and Ben were building! They might not have been able to do much but they might have gotten her to Auradon!"

"I know," Mal said, her voice soft. "And I know how much you loved your sister. Ben could tell too, when he was in the Underworld with you. So why don't you remind Freddy why it's a bad idea to mess with the Warf Rats?"

Ryan nodded and undid his sword from his belt, handing it to Mal before walking forward toward Freddy.

Hold on...Ben? But I thought Mitchell was the one with me? Ryan thought. Then again...King Ben does look a lot like Mitchell, minus the beanie...and King Ben is Mitchell isn't he?

"Well isn't it little Ryan?" Freddy taunted as Ryan closed the distance between them. "Henry finally let you drift from his side?"

Ryan didn't hesitate before letting his fist fly, a grim smile tugging at his lips as he felt the feeling of Freddy's nose crunch against his fist.

"That was for my sister," Ryan growled as he pulled his fist back and let it fly once more. "That was for the pain and suffering she felt being trampled to death and you just stood by and watched!"

"Now, now, what about me makes you think I'd help? Especially a Rat in training? You Rats already overpopulated the Isle and took up resources that the rest of us deserved," Freddy told him, a smirk on his face despite the blood dripping from his nose.

"She trusted you!"

"Her mistake."

Mal watched as Ryan's foot lashed out and hit Freddy square in the ribs. She wanted to make sure the kind hearted boy didn't go too far, that he didn't lose the innocence most of the Rats lost long before this point.

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