Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

Kairo tried attacking another enemy using his arrow but this time the enemy avoided it, Jiaro tilted his head signaling their warriors to attack. The warriors growl loudly showing their canines then they immediately attack the enemies.

Using his claws Jiaro grab the head of the one-eyed boss throwing him to the hard body of rocks, he then run to the one-eyed male to punch him but the enemy jump avoiding Jiaro. Growling, the one-eyed boss smashed his claws to Jiaro causing him to lay on his back.

"Now we're certain that this island has females." The male claw's Jiaro's chest" Show them to us young male." The male pushed his claws harder against Jiaro's chest.

"You cannot get out here alive." With much force Jiaro kicked the enemy then he gave him punches.

The one-eyed male backed away a little and Jiaro tried to grab its neck, ripping it away but he only managed to injure his shoulder. The one-eyed male's arm hangs on his shoulder with just a little force and it would be separated from its owner's body. The man groaned loudly.

" You will regret this-." The man did not have a chance to finish his statement because Jiaro quickly ripped his neck off.

Kairo on the other hand took his sword out swaying it to his enemy, the enemy quickly avoided his attack using his Usuro form. Kairo cursed then he shifted, he growled before attacking the enemy using his claws again.

The two of them fight, their attacking each other, Kairo speeds up his attack and so the enemy tries his best to match his speed but this action of him made Kairo smile. It turns out Kairo's plan is to show that he is always attacking so that the enemy will imitate him ignoring his defense.

Kairo took this chance to finally take his enemy down, pushing him to the ground then he punched his face. Kairo grabbed the enemy's foot, twisting it, making the enemy cry in pain as he felt his bones in foot crack.

The enemy begins to stop already but Kairo doesn't seem to hear this, he continues breaking the enemy's leg making sure that he will not be able to walk again.



A warrior jumps in one of the trees, he takes an arrow planning to shoot the distracted enemies who are to focus with their fight. One after another he manages to help kill four enemies leaving 10 enemies, plus the male in front of Kairo who's barely breathing.

Jiaro attacks the other enemy in front of him smashing his head to a huge stone, he ripped it's heart out then he faced another enemy. Jiaro would kill directly unlike Kairo who thinks killing them is as if giving them mercy, so he rather plays with his enemies first before taking their lives.

"How did you know we are here?" Kairo put his hand on his enemy's leg, feeling the crushed bones and threatening him.

"We saw a light of fire coming from here 4 weeks ago." The male breathed rapidly, he felt like being tortured which is true.

"Do you have other companions with you?"


"When I ask you, you'll answer me, if you ever lie to me, I'll break every bone you have, making sure you're still alive feeling its pain." Kairo said close to a whisper.

The male is unrecognizable, there is blood all over his deformed face and his lower part is crushed, especially his foot. He can't even feel his lower part except the excruciating pain that comes all over his body.

Kairo grabs its left arm, crushing the bones into pieces. The male cried from pain again but his voice broke as he kept on begging, his tears turned into blood.

"I-I don't know arghhh.... stop p-please stop."

"Wrong answer" Kairo grabbed its right hand crushing the bones then he punched the enemy's chest making sure that his bone in there created a crack.

"One of our companions came back to inform the others...argh."

Kairo stilled for a minute thinking that it would be troublesome.

"How many?" He was running out of patience, he just wanted to go home.

"Hahahaha thousands, h-hundred thousand you can't escape them arghhhhh."

He ripped the enemy's head after he spit those words. Standing up he sighs, his body is full of blood and so is the ground, he looked at his brother's mind linking him to the information he got. His brother is slaughtering their enemies without patience, then his brother stopped for a minute looking at him, which he just nodded.

Kairo helps the others, their enemies are backing down but sense they are surrounded they can't escape anymore. Bloods mostly from the enemies scattered in the ground and parts of dead bodies are everywhere also.

After some minutes the enemies are completely wiped out. Kairo and Jiaro together with the warriors' growl for victory, the other Usuros heard this from their houses which they happily growl to but Vixen who is in deep slumber had no idea about the victory. Vixen is currently in her dreamland with her two males.

Jiaro's body is full of blood. His wounds are healing and tomorrow it will disappear as if it's not been there. His prediction might be true adding up his brother's information; when that happens, they will probably lose.

He looked at the warriors, although no one died from them but they got wounded from the enemies, so a hundred thousand aggressive males will probably wipe them out but they will not let that happen.

"Call 5 stationed warriors to clean this mess up, tell them to make sure to do not leave any trace of Usuro near this Island." After saying that Jiaro looked at his second in command. "Bring the injured Usuros to the doctor."

Kairo waves at Jiaro calling him to go meet their father first before going home. They walk to 2 feet of snow; their footsteps carry blood mixing with the white color of snow. Then they remembered their female love blood, they smirk when something comes to their mind.

Some Usuros are still awake peeping at their window watching their warriors and princes pass by. The king and queen also wait at the main house to congratulate them.

"Please pick a new cloak and clean yourselves at the bathhouse to wash the blood away, we prepare hot water there." The queen said before dismissing them.

Jiaro and Kairo talked to their father and mother privately before going to the bath house to clean themselves.

After they talk with their father, they head to the bath house. The fire from all corners lights the room and smoke comes from hot water at the tubs, they take their clothes off before seating at one of the tubs.

The room is full of muscled males, some already fell asleep while sitting inside the tub, they are all tired from guarding their island and from preparing for the harsh winter but it was all worth it, as long as their family are safe.

The two princes are also excited to go home already to see their female, so they quickly leave the bath house after they finish bathing. They walk through the harsh winter as fast as they can.


Author's note

So far this is the shortest chapter that I posted.

I hope you enjoy reading my story!

Please leave a comment and just tell me what you all think.


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