Chapter 3

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Vixen POV

I sat up, stretching my arms and legs. I had only managed to get four hours of sleep last night. I couldn't entirely trust these two men, even though they seemed helpful. I had to remain cautious until I knew more about them. Besides, there were more pressing questions to answer, like why I was here.

Kairo and Jiaro seemed to be my...mates, but I pushed that thought aside. I needed to focus on understanding why I'd ended up here in the first place. After all, their bond didn't seem apparent, and they appeared to be humans.

Last night, they had agreed to help me find my bag. They'd also provided me with a dagger-like weapon made of metal. The two men had been considerate and seemed captivated by my presence. Little did they know that I was a vampire.

Speaking of that, calling them humans wasn't quite accurate. While they had humanoid bodies, they were significantly larger than humans on Earth.

For now, Kairo and Jiaro were engaged in a conversation of their own. They were getting ready, while I couldn't help but keep my eye on them, ever watchful.

"Vixen," Jiaro called to me, raising his hand and motioning for me to come closer. I followed him as he walked, and after a while, he stopped near what seemed to be the entrance.

A large rock blocked the way, and Jiaro moved it with ease, revealing the outside. A gust of cold wind hit my face as we stepped out. It seemed to have rained during the night.

The two men looked magnificent in their primitive clothes, their brown skin glowing in the sunlight. They were truly something to behold.

"Jiaro, Kairo," I called to them. I raised my arm and began mimicking fainting, pointing to my torn lab coat and the spot on my head that had been wounded but was now completely healed. I wanted them to take me to the place where they had found me.

They exchanged confused glances and began conversing with each other. I continued my gestures, trying to make myself understood. Finally, they nodded and smiled, seemingly grasping my meaning. And, oh my, how handsome they looked when they smiled.

I raised an eyebrow at them, curious about their expressions. But they soon shifted back to seriousness, realizing that communication was still a challenge.

We continued with our journey, and eventually, we reached the area where I'd first appeared. I examined the surroundings with my vampire abilities and noticed a black wire beneath a bush. As I bent down to pick it up, Kairo stopped me. Confused, I watched him take out his dagger and use it to move the bush aside.

Beneath the bush were more wires and even my cup of noodles. Kairo then motioned for me to follow him into the dense foliage.

As I ventured further into the bush, I heard a squeak. When the underbrush was cleared away, we found my bag and small, green creatures.

Kairo efficiently dealt with the creatures, incapacitating but not killing them. He tied them upside down in a tree. There were around 11 small, green creatures hanging with three more in a worse condition under the tree.

Afterward, Kairo gave me the signal to go through my bag. I quickly located my phone and tried to call Yna, but there was no signal. The battery was down to 20%, so I turned it off and decided to conserve the battery for later.

I continued searching for my translation ring. Once found, I slipped it onto my thumb and tried speaking the lycan language. Kairo and Jiaro were visibly surprised by my sudden ability to communicate in their tongue.

"I got my ring," I explained, "It allows me to understand and speak different languages inside my head. That's how I can now understand you and converse in your language."

Jiaro and Kairo shared a curious look before I smiled innocently.

"I'll tell you more about myself, but first, can you explain this place to me?" I asked while putting on my bag.

They exchanged glances and nodded.

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