Chapter 2

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Vixen POV

"My heart is racing, and my mind cannot function well. Tall, healthy trees are everywhere, blocking some sunlight from above. The clouds are so clear and blue, the air is fresh, and the temperature is warm and relaxing.

"Calm down and think. Where am I? How did I even... Oh, fudge.

Could it be that the portal was the reason I'm here? Yes, of course, it's the portal, but why? fucking Error!

I stand up and observe my surroundings for any movement or danger. I don't have anything with me except my lab coat and the clothes I'm wearing. I don't have any weapons.

I take a deep breath and keep my guard up while slowly walking through the forest. I jump onto a tall tree, seeking a better view.

As I take in the breathtaking view, a large bird suddenly swoops down and grabs me. Its claws grip my waist, and its sharp beak threatens me. I clutch its feet in an attempt to free myself, but it responds by pecking at my hand. I wince in pain, and my hand starts to bleed. The bird continues its assault, not paying attention to its surroundings, and collides with a large tree.

I manage a smirk but soon find myself falling to the ground. My head hits a rock, and I pass out. My vampire body is exhausted.

As I regain consciousness, the noise in the cave wakes me. People are talking, but I can't quite understand them. I groan in pain as I attempt to move.

One of the people speaks to me, but I can't understand the language. The voice sounds masculine, even though it's not clear.

I observe my surroundings. I am inside a cave with a thin silk cloth wrapped around my head, and leaves are placed on the wound I got from the fall. My lab coat is in tatters, and my clothes have holes. I don't know whether it's day or night.

The masked man in front of me keeps talking, and I can't comprehend a word. I glance around, searching for my translator ring.

"What the fuck is he?" I murmur to myself.

I stare at him curiously, and it seems he realizes that I don't understand. I don't have my translation ring with me this time. How can I communicate with him?

As I'm lost in my thoughts, a rumbling sound beneath my feet startles me. It's something big, and it's moving fast, shaking the ground. I keep my guard up, not knowing what's approaching.

A tall man, more than 6 feet tall, enters the cave. He's handsome, with brown hair slicked back, golden eyes, and a powerful build. I can't help but marvel at his appearance.

The two men have similar builds, wearing clothing made of animal skins that cover their lower bodies. They offer me a bamboo container filled with water and some yellow-colored fruit.

I carefully inspect the water, making sure it's safe. The tall man seems frustrated by my caution but drinks from the bamboo, showing me that it's okay.

I take the water and sip it, still wary of their intentions. The fruit is good, tasting like a banana.

As I finish my meal, I try to communicate with the two men through drawing and writing in the dust on the cave floor. We exchange drawings of our names and where we're from. They tell me their names, Kairo and Jiaro, and we seem to be making progress in understanding each other.

Despite my efforts to show them a map of Earth, they appear to have difficulty comprehending the concept of technology. Disheartened, I erase the drawing of buildings and cars, realizing that such things don't exist here.

Feeling disappointed, I draw a picture of my backpack to let them know that I'm searching for it. I'm relieved that they seem to understand the basics of my situation.

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