SpeedWagon Foundation part 1

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Now back to Izuku and his friends, they are just browsing through multiple hero agencies....

Izumi:Hey Niisan? Where are you going to?

Izuku:I don't know, I'm still thinking, how about you?

Izumi:I'm going to go to Grampa Torino's agency

Izuku:Well, good luck and hopefully those two fuckers don't mess with you and try to get you to forgive me.

Izuku:Maybe I'm going to join with jotaro or Sakuya, it depends.

Izumi:Well, alright see you later Onii-chan.

She left to her friends, I swear she looks cute talking to Ida and Uraraka.

I look at my left and it looks like jotaro and Sakuya are arguing about something.

Izuku: Alright what's the problem?

Sakuya:I was about to Introduce you where your going but someone here tries to stop me.

Jotaro:It's not my problem, besides your a whinny bitch.

Sakuya:What Did You Say!!!

Izuku:Both of you calm down.... Let's start with you Sakuya, what hero agency are you joining?

Sakuya: Introducing.... Touhou Agency!!!

Izuku:Ah, that agency, I heard that it focuses on how to overwhelm the enemy with ridiculous amounts of projectiles and how you should dodge all them...

Sakuya:Yeah, that's the one!!!

Izuku:I might consider, but how about you jojo?

Jotaro:Well unlike her I was recommended by a better agency.

Sakuya:And what would that be?

Jotaro:The Speedwagon Foundation.

Everyone heard this and apparently only Pucci,Puccina,Jotaro and Izuku are the only ones not surprised.

Students rushed in.... But stepped back when they see their stands manifesting.

Jotaro:yare yare, I'm not in the mood for Q&A

Izuku:Yeah, me too...

They went back to their debate...

Izuku:You know, maybe I'm going with.....The  Speedwagon Foundation

Jotaro:Yeah, it's obvious, the title even says where he's going.

Sakuya:The what?

Izuku:I think it's a good strat, I get to bro out more, and before you complain Sakuya, you literally live with me.

Sakuya: 😩😩😩, fine....

Joseph:Your next line is "Jiji!!! What are you doing here?!?!"

Jotaro:Jiji!!! What are you doing here?!?!



Joseph left the room and people are confused.

Sero:Wait isn't that.....

Everyone except the obvious people:The number 5th hero of all time?!?!

Mina:Jotaro, didn't you just say he's your old man?!?!

Kirishima:Yeah, if that's the case he's so manly!!!

Jotaro:Yare yare, fine I'm going to answer one and only one question, yes he's my grand father or Jiji.

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