Chapter 14--Verdict... or Not

Start from the beginning

"So live or die, you two don't care what happens to Randall?"

"Nope," both twins said plainly.

"Then why not stand with me, try to save the kid's life, if it really doesn't matter one way or the other?"

"Didn't peg you as a desperate son of a bitch," Daryl murmured as he fixed his jacket collar.

"Your opinions make a difference," Dale insisted.

"Man, ain't nobody looking at us for nothin'."

Daryl picked up his bolts, and the twins started in the opposite direction of Dale.

"Carol is. And—And I am. Right now." The twins stopped. "And obviously you have Rick's ear."

"Nah, Rick just looks to Shane. Despite everything the bastard's done or said. And I say if he really still wants to, let 'im," Darcy said. Sure, she saw how the two looked at one another in spite and their words were stiff, but at the end of the day Rick still listened to him.

Both twins walked a few more steps before they were stopped again by Dale.

"You cared about what happened to Sophia. Cared what it meant to the group," he said desperately.

Darcy felt a scowl cross her face and her stomach slightly stirred in a bit of guilt. The twins walked closer to Dale. He looked to Daryl.

"Torturing people? That isn't you. You're a decent man! Decent people! So is Rick. Shane—he's different."

"Why's that?" Daryl asked. "'Cause he killed Otis?"

Dale shifted on his feet and walked closer to them, his tone changing.

"He tell you that?"

"He told some bullshit story—they got separated from the other three and Otis would cover Shane?" Darcy started.

"He showed up with the dead guy's gun," Daryl continued. "Rick ain't stupid. If he didn't figure that out, it's 'cause he don't wanna."

"Pretty soon it's gonna be one of us, too. If you wanna focus on a threat, let's focus on Shane for a second." Both twins turned around and started walking away again.

"It's like I said—the group's broken," Daryl said, not bothering to glance back. Dale didn't say anything in return.

Later that evening, when the sun was going down and the sky went pink, the group gathered in the Greene house again. Everyone was silent as they followed in. Carl went upstairs after a minute, and as soon as they heard the door click the discussion began.

"So how do we do this? Just take a vote?" Glenn asked.

"Does it have to be unanimous?" Andrea continued.

"How about majority rules?" Lori suggested.

"Well let's—let's just see where everybody stands," Rick said tiredly. "Then we can talk through the options."

"Well where I see it, there's only one way to move forward," Shane said from the fireplace.

"Killing him, right?" Dale said bluntly. "I mean why even bother to take a vote, it's clear which way the wind's blowing."

"Well if people believe we should spare him, I wanna know."

"Well I can tell you it's a small group—maybe just me and Glenn."

Things were silent for a few seconds, and Glenn looked at Dale skittishly.

"Look I... I think you're pretty much right about everything all the time but this—"

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