Chapter Eight>>

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Homework sucks. Especially when you are already distracted.

I mean not only was I just two hundred words into my English essay, Stiles had yet to text or call me which definitely affected my concentration.

Another click of the pen, page flipping, back key tapping. I was driving myself insane.

"Hasn't called yet huh?" 

I threw my hands in the air my pen going with it. "NO! Not a single word from the incapable imbecile!"

Dad's eyebrows rose watching my homework flutter to the floor. "Big words. Working on an English paper?"

Now it was my turn to be confused. "How did you know?"

He smirked. "You're vocabulary improves immensely when you actually have to write a paper."

I wag my finger at his grinning face. "I'm going to take that as a compliment mister."

He rose his hands in defense. "Take it as you will my beautiful daughter."

I playfully scowled lowering my hand. "Flattery will get you no where."

"And don't I know it."

My smile faltered looking over at my phone. Dad sure is good at distracting but not good enough. He noticed it too.

"He'll call. If not I'll do a police raid on his house."

I chuckled. "Even though his dad is your boss."

He smiled walking in pressing his lips to my forehead. "I'll do anything for you young one. Never forget that."

I smiled back. "I won't."

"Good, no---" He was cut off by the ring-tone on my phone.

Launching forward I snatched up the piece of technology quickly reading the name.


Dad squeezed my shoulder in reassurance before walking away leaving me alone with the call. Tapping the green button I answered.

"You know, I thought to ignore you since that's all you've been doing to me since this morning but I decided to be the bigger person. Though I can say this whole thing is making it quite hard for me to even consider going on a date with you." My voice was hard laced with hurt.

"Jenna, I swear I didn't mean it. I--"

"Didn't mean it? How the hell could you not mean it?"

He let out a loud scoff sound. "Well if you would let me explain."

I rolled my eyes but realized he was right. "I'm sorry, continue."

"Derek took Boyd as the next wolf. I went to his house to stop him but Erica was there. She ripped something out of my car and bashed me across the head with it. I just woke up in this dumpster on Fifth St."

I let out a 'huh'. "Well seems like you got yourself in a pickle."

"Come pick me up?"

"Why should I? You left me at the school." I twirled in my seat loving the sound of annoyance that passed through the receiver.

"Jenna! I've already told you--"

"Stilessss." I drawled out. "You could have taken me with you to Boyd's and you wouldn't be in this mess but you didn't so how about you get yourself out of it." With that I hung up.

He called again but I ignored it. After waiting for his call you would think that I would be happy to pick him up right? Wrong! The boy just can't go out on his own. There are dangerous things happening in Beacon Hills. And he thought to leave me out of it. I don't think so. Yes, I'm bitter. Sue me.

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