🌻 Chapter 22 🌻

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Gulf just nodded. Slowly, Mew entered him.

"Ahh..." Gulf clenched his wall at the intrusion.

Mew was still not halfway in him. Mew stilled, giving Gulf time to adjust to him. When Gulf stopped squirming, he slowly slid in- feeling Gulf's warmth all over his manhood. Inch by inch, he pushed in. Once he's fully in he stopped for a while-letting Gulf to adjust.

"Og-ugh-" Gulf moaned, feeling himself stretch even more. Tears slowly escaping his eyes. Mew reached for his face and wiped the liquid with his thumb, trailing butterfly kisses on Gulf's face to soothe him. The prepping up that Mew did was not enough. God lord, Mew was big. Once he adapted to Mew's size he grinded his lips, "Y-you may now m-move."

It was slow at first. Mew pulled back until only his head is in and pushed back in until he was balls-deep. Mew kept his pace while looking at Gulf's expression, examining whether he was in pain or pleasure.

"Ah-F-ah-faster, Mew," Gulf moaned when the pain subsided.

With this Mew pulled back and slammed back in-filling Gulf to the brim.

"Oh- God!" Gulf screamed. While Mew kept plunging on him, moans of ah and oh escaped his name.

"Ah.. fuck! M-Mew!" Gulf screamed as he held n Mew's shoulders his fingernails digging on the broad shoulder, forming crescents. Mew kept on going. Never once slowing down his pace. Gulf took it all- a cocktail of pleasure and pain surging into his body.

Mew liked to do it deep and fast. Mew pulls back- almost removing his length on Gulf's tight little hole. Then plunges back in until his balls slap Gulf's ass.

Gulf curled his legs on Mew's waist, pulling him close as he tighten his hold on Mew's arms. Mew groaned when Gulf clenched on him.

"Ah~... Ah~.. Mew! Mm..." Gulf moaned uncontrollably as soon as Mew found his sweet spot.

"F-fuck! Ugh~ ah!" Gulf wantonly moaned when Mew hit the same spot over and over again. He could feel Mew's length on him- pulsing, hot and hard.

"I-I'm n-near," Gulf informed.

"Wait for me, Gulf baby," Mew said as he hastened his pace. The once rhythmic pace was now coming in burst, a sigh that Mew also near.

"N-now," Mew said.

And soon, Gulf was filled with Mew's cum while Gulf came on his stomach. Both were panting while enjoying their high. Mew has his head buried on the junction between Gulf's stomach and chin while his length was still inside Gulf's hole grind his hips to ride on his orgasm.

"I love you, Gulf."

Exhausted, the two lay cuddled each other after their activity, but neither could fall asleep.

"Do you love me, Gulf? Mew asked.

"Yes," Gulf said almost whispered. He took a peek at Mew. He laughed at how big Mew smile was.

"Since when?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer me, you idiot."

"I don't know... I just do."

"Well, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you love...me?"

"Didn't you hear me earlier?"

"Just rehashing, you know."

"Okay, you want to hear me say everything? Okay. Here goes. I Love you, Gulf. Even if you're kind of idiot-"


"Let me finish... I'm sorry I said what I did. I was just really drunk then, and I was so jealous I felt like I would die. It was toward me because I couldn't accept the fact that I gave you enough reason to seek someone else."

Mew looked at him found him crying. Mew shook him. "Hey, why are you crying? Are you sad because you now realized that you're going to be stuck with me forever?" Mew joked.

Gulf tried to laugh as he wiped his tears. "I don't know... Just that I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry for dragging you out here... I don't even know how you even thought I would be here.  "

"It was the only place I could think of that could comfort you."



I'm sorry to my lame smut...

And thank you for reading My Secret Married

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