🌻Chapter 2🌻

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"Gulf! Will you ever give me a moment of peace? It's almost midnight. If you don't want to sleep, fine. But will you please shut up?"

Gulf rolled hes eyes. Yet somehow he found it funny just how much of a nagger Mew could be when he was annoyed.

"Why are you still up anyway?"

"Uh... The light dimmer, the project..."

"But that's due tomorrow!'

Gulf looked down, embarassed. When he looked up at Mew's smug smirk, he had an idea. But just as he was about to speak up, he became aware of just how good Mew looked, even with half his figure in shadows standing on the threshold of his dark bedroom. It was ridiculous, really. No one's silhoutte was supposed to look that good.

"What are you looking at?" Mew caught him staring, which brought him back to his senses.




Mew shook his head in impatience and was about to close the door when Gulf hurriedly stopped it with his hand. He looked at Gulf askance.

"Oh no, Gulf. You're not allowed to do that. Control yourself!" Mew teased.

"Shut up. I have no plans of going into your secret lair. I have a favor to ask."


"Can I,um... Borrow... um, your light dimmer? I have no idea how to finish mine. I just want to know how it's supposed to work, is all."

"Well, it's no longer with me.  Submitted it last week." What a nerd! But the assignment was just given last week! He thought. "Is that it? Well, sorry. No favors. Now shut up. I'm going back to sleep."

"Mew,wait. Please."

"What?" Mew scratched his head, tousling his perfectly messy hair and making it look even more perfect. Gulf was alternately annoyed and distracted by it.

"Can you help me finish it?"

Mew's brows furrowed so much Gulf was afraid they would forever be joined together. This thought made his giggle.

"What's so funny? No. I won't help you. That's supposed to be an individual assignment." Mew closed the door in Gulf face.

Gulf stood in front of Mew's bedroom door, thinking of ways to force Mew to help him with the project. Just as he was about to give up, he had an idea. He started making random sounds.

In less than a minute, Mew was back outside his bedroom. He stormed out and marched toward his open door, surveying his disaster of a project. Mew started picking up the pieces of the light dimmer, and as he assembled it, he started nagging yet again.

"Why are you such a slacker? This project is so simple. You can even search how to do it. I don't know what you do in class. You probably just space out like you always do." Mew shook his head in disbelief and talked straight for five minutes as he worked on Gulf project. When hr was one, he tested it out.

"Wow, you make it look so easy," Gulf said as he watched the light dimmer do what it was supposed to do.

"That's because it is so easy, you idiot." Mew handed the project to him. "Now will you shut up? I really want to sleep. If you make even the tiniest noise, I swear..." Mew took the project from Gulf. "I will destroy this. I'm not even joking"

"Okay." Gulf grinned. He wasn't really scared of that happening. He was too sleepy to make any noise anyway. Mew looked at him, as if waiting for something. "Oh. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mew!"

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