Press Conference (Bryce Hall and Tayler Holder)

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Today was the Press conference between the youtubers and tiktokers. Y/n didn't want Bryce or Tayler fighting in the first place but now that it's getting closer and closer to the fight day and Bryce and Tayler are putting more and more of their time into training, Y/n knows they can't convince Bryce or Tayler to back out. Here's the thing Bryce is Y/n's older brother and Tayler is Y/n's boyfriend. Both of the boys are very protective of Y/n so that worries Y/n a lot due to all the shit talking that is happening today and how other people who aren't even fighting can be brought up.

The boys were both getting ready while Rafy and Y/n waits for them in the lobby of the Hotel they're all staying at. While waiting, Y/n feels someone tap her shoulder. She turns around and sees Austin McBroom himself. Y/n physically tenses and Rafy sees and turns to see who Y/n is looking at. "Can we help you?' Rafy asks once she sees McBroom. "Yeah, Y/n can I talk to you for a minute?" Austin says with a smirk. Y/n looks at Rafy before sighing not wanting to be rude. "Of Course." She says with a fake smile. Austin smirk gets a little bigger before nodding for Y/n to follow him. The two walk a little father away from where they originally stood and out of Rafy's sight. "What's up?" Y/n asks when they stop walking. "I have a deal for you." Austin says, Y/n just nods for him to countuine to talk. "If you get in Bryce and Tayler's head and make it seem like you believe me and Gibs will beat the two of them in one round, I'll give you $7 Million." He states. "Why?" Is all the girl/guy says. "Because I need someone to get in their heads. And if it's the person they're closest with it will make it seem so much easier to win." He says while saying it with a 'duh' type of voice. 

"Look, I get that you really want to win. But I can't help you do that. I love my brother and boyfriend and I want what's best for them. So getting in their heads isn't what's best. They need to stay focused and so do you. Just keep training and the best person will win." Y/n says about to walk away when Austin grabs their wrist tightly. "You'll do as I say or you'll regret it." He says harshly. Y/n shakes their head and rips their wrist out of McBroom's grip. They walk back to Rafy who is now with all the boys. When Y/n reaches to the group they all look at them. "There you are. I didn't know where you went." Bryce says wrapping an arm around Y/n shoulder. Y/n just nods and gives a small smile. What Austin said was really getting to them. Y/n was worried something would really happen. "Hey, you okay?" Tayler asks hugging Y/n. Again Y/n just nods. Everyone shares a look before heading to their cars to get to the Press Conference. The whole ride everyone was talking besides Y/n, they just stayed quiet, which worried everyone a little because Y/n is normally really loud and energetic. 

When they arrive at the place everyone gets out and heads to the back. Y/n stood there with Bryce's arm around their shoulder and Tayler's arm around their waist. Y/n still hasn't said a word which is pissing both of them because they think they did something wrong, which caused someone of them to snap. "Damn it Y/n/n. What did I do or someone do? You haven't said a word which is worrying me. Did someone hurt you? Did someone do something wrong? Please just talk to me." Bryce says growing fustrated.  Y/n was about to talk when everyone who wasn't in the conference was told to head to their spots which meant Y/n had to leave. "I'm not mad. I'll explain everything later." They says before giving Bryce a kiss on the cheek than giving Tayler a peck on the lips and walking off. Both the boys wanted to go after Y/n but knew they needed to focus on this conference. 

Y/n finally found Rafy who is with Blake, Noah, J Rod, Tana, and some other friends. She gives a weak smile before hugging Tana who was closest to her. Which people have picked up on that Y/n hugs the person closest to her when she's stressed, scared, or upset. Tana doesn't moves just holds her tighter knowing something isn't right. When everyone start to settle down they finally anncounce the boys out. First was all the youtubers than Vinnie, than Ryland, than Micheal Lee, Nate, Tayler and than Bryce. When Bryce comes out he flips off Austin McBroom which makes everyone laugh.

Once the boys sat down the questions and shit talking started. It was all going smooth until Y/n saw Austin looks at her and smirk. And guessing all the tiktok side saw it because they all looked at her too. Than Bryce said. "Yo, can you stop eyeing my sister?" followed by Tayler who said. "Yeah, I'd deep appiate if you didn't look at my girlfriend like you want to fuck her." Blake and Noah looked at Y/n and saw she was uncomfortable so they grabbed her from Tana and hugged her protectively. "Not my fault. She's hot as fuck and with the convo we had earlier she think I'm going to win and once I do I'm going to f----" Austin was cut off by Bryce getting up and shoving him. This caused a huge fight. Everyone was involed. Noah, Tayler, and Blake were trying to get to Bryce while the body guards and Austin held Bryce down so he couldn't move. After a while the bodyguards were pulled off of Bryce and Tayler got Bryce out of there. We all started heading to the car and far away from Austin. When we finally got to the car with lots of help from Rafy was actually a really good bodyguard the boys got into the car while Y/n stood outside for a minute with Rafy. Rafy than headed to the cars and got in and right as Y/n was about to, she heard her name being called. She turned around and saw McBroom of course. She walked over to him and he had a proud smirk on his face. Y/n could also feel the boys on her from the car.

She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes and looks at him. "So you going to listen to me now? I mean I probably wrecked your relationship with your boyfriend and brother now so come join the winning side." Austin says than rubs his hand up Y/n arm. Y/n quickly slaps his hand away. "Listen, you crossed the line. Not only is Bryce and Tayler pissed off, you just started a war with my family maybe even a feud. Last I checked you're married so keep my god damn name out of your mouth and stay the hell away from me or I'm telling your wife and wrecking your relationship with your family." Y/n says before turning around and walking away only to be stopped again by Austin saying. "I'm warning you now. You won't tell my wife shit or you'll see how fast everything about your family gets out. How you're dad left or how your mother probably doesn't love you. Or even how you've been in 2 abusive relationships." He says smirking again. Y/n quickly turns around and slaps Austin really hard. "You know nothing. Everything about my dad has been said to the world. My mom loves Bryce and I more than she loves herself. She's always puts us first which is so unfair. And as for my relationships I've made mistakes like so many people do but I got out of them and now I'm in a happy and healthy relationship so please kindly shut the fuck up." Y/n says before walking away. 

Y/n gets in the car and everyone looks at her shocked. She just rolls her eyes and looks out the window. Soon they start moving and head to the hotel. Y/n heads to her room which she shares with Tayler and Bryce's room is right next to theirs so of course both of them head inside the room and just look at her. "Can I help you?" She asks with an eye roll. "Hey, we didn't do anything so chill with the eye rolls." Bryce says crossing his arms. "Okay, sorry. Now what do you need?" Y/n says trying to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "What did you say to you? When he was talking about you he mentioned the two of you talking before the conference." Tayler asks sitting beside Y/n and pulling her closer. "Before the conference when you guys were all getting ready he pulled me to the side. He threatened me saying if I didn't get inside you guys heads and say that I was on the youtubers side that he would do something. I don't know what but I didn't believe him until I slowly started to think about it because I mean he is a 'rich' person he could do something. So I started ignoring you guys just for the time being. Than he started talking about me and all of that happened than when you guys were in the car, he started talking about dad and how he left and ended up in jail. Than he mentioned mom and how she doesn't love me. Than he mentioned my last two relationships. He said he would put everything out to the world and wreck our family name." Y/n says as a tears falls out of her eye which she quickly wipes away.

Bryce sits next to her and looks at Tayler than back at his sister. "Everything is going to be okay. Yes he knows that stuff about our family but so does so many other people. What he did today crossed so many lines and that's why I need to beat him. I swear to you I will beat him if not for me wanting to but for the sake of our family." bryce says before hugging Y/n which she quickly returns. "Everything will work out in the end Okay?" Tayler says while giving Y/n a small smile. Y/n nods. Bryce gives Y/n forehead a kiss than grabs Tayler's arm and makes him join the hug. "We're all family here. No more secerts. And we will all be by each other sides no matter what. As for now we train and get ready for the fight. And Y/n you can start joining us and maybe one day if you train enough you could do a woman vs woman fight." Bryce says with a smile and so does Tayler and Y/n. "Until than we wait and see what life holds." Tayler says and they just stay there. Not caring about the outside world only about the ones in that one room.

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