Episode 4: Shadow of the Panther part 1

Start from the beginning

'Sandhurst is making a deal with known arms dealer, Moses Magnum. Magnum somehow got his hands on a metal known as vibranium.' The text read. Tsukauchi shot up from his bed and sighed, so much for sleeping in today. Tsukauchi went to his desk and turned on his laptop to do some research about what vibranium was.

'Vibranium drop off at 8:00 at night. Magnum said to expect trouble... should get a hero in on this.' Keikan texted. Tsukauchi grabbed his phone and was about to press All Might from amongst his contact list, but then he remembered that his time limit lessened after the USJ incident. He sighed as he thought to call Endeavor, but he knew the fiery hero would see this as beneath him. And the hero known as Hawks was busy. Tsukauchi sighed again as he realized he still had one logical choice... and it was one that he was hesitant on since he didn't want anything bad to happen to said person.
"He proved capable during the Black Widow incident though..." Tsukauchi said as he started to look through his contacts for Takumi Sakai's number.

The progress bar for JARVIS' next update was now at 85%. Takumi sighed, knowing that this next update would change everything, as it was rooted in his past. Suddenly Takumi's phone rang.
"Hey, it's All Might's police friend." Spirit Tony informed Takumi. Spirit Tony tossed the phone to Takumi, who caught it and answered.

"You've reached Iron Man HQ, how may I direct your call?" Takumi quipped.

"You ever heard about Advanced Idea Mechanics?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Yeah, they did some operations in America back when I lived there. 2 years ago, they tried to steal some type of experimental dimensional portal from Hank Pym. The Pro Hero team, The Fantastic Four stopped that operation, although rumor has it that Reed Richards is still looking into the science behind inter-dimensional travel." Takumi replied.

"Man. You really know your stuff. AIM has gone on to try different schemes after that one, but that's besides the point. AIM is now running it's operations here in Japan." Tsukauchi informed him.

"Bold, quite the risk with All Might being here in this country." Ghost Tony noted out loud before he realized what he had just did.

"You have a guest at home with you?" Tsukauchi asked curiously.

"It's my uncle. He's a bit of a science whiz, but he's also been in a few fights in his time. He's helping me train for the Sports Festival." Takumi replied quickly.

"Well, your uncle is right... it is a huge risk to move your operations to a country with a lower crime rate... especially when the Symbol of Peace resides here. Anyway, I have a guy undercover in AIM's operations. He's been inside of AIM since they were first discovered to be here in Japan. A group that was almost successful at stealing a dimensional portal, however unfinished that it is, are no slouches in the criminal underworld. They seem to be gearing up for something. They made contact with an infamous arms dealer by the name of Moses Magnum." Tsukauchi informed Takumi. As soon as Tsukauchi finished saying that statement, JARVIS accessed files on Magnum from all around the globe and showed his research to Takumi on some kind of holographic screen.

"This guy has quite the rap sheet. He's wanted in the USA, England, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, dude also pissed off some Russian government officials and holy crap... this guy very nearly almost started a civil war in Wakanda after he killed their king, King T'Chaka." Takumi said as he quickly skimmed over the various files that appeared in his lab.

"Do I even want to know how you know all that?" Tsukauchi asked. Takumi chuckled.

"I have my ways. Anyway, do you know why AIM would want to make contact with this Magnum guy?" Takumi asked. Tsukauchi sighed before he answered.

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