Chapter 2 || Kadota?

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( Thana's pov )
The day before the coma

Thana's brown eyes showed sadness as tears welled up and plastered down her broken face. She was facing yet another fake memory of what her life may of been like if her parents hadn't abandoned her and her older drunk of a brother all those years ago. She thought of how much abuse she would of avoided if they had taken the role they chose and just god damn stayed. But reality hit Thana, they left and they won't ever come back. Speaking of reality the girl had to once again put on her virago like face and act like her life was the perfect one so many lucky 15 year olds have and start to walk home. God knows what will happen if she gets back after her brother- when he's drunk and high which he always is who knows what he will do if she disobeys him.

Once again she turned off her busy mind as she stopped infront of her apartment. She took the keys out of her ripped pocket and opened the door as fast as someone could with hands shaking so much soon they would just be seen as a flash of colour. To her luck the devil himself was still at the bar, so she quickly raced to her bedroom and got out Maranne- she was a bear stuffed animal that Thana had found when she was 8. And she had been obsessed with her  ever since, Thana always told herself it was because they were friends when deep down she knew it was just her adhd because seriously, you can't be friends with a stuffed animal.

In Thana's chaotic mind it had been a few moments not realising in normal time an hour had passed and her brother had just slammed the front door shut indicating it was the time the girl hated and would never pray on her worst enemy. You see her brother always blamed his little sister for the reason their parents left and he got stuck with the "freak" of the family. So from that unpleasant day when Thana was 6 years old her older brother took out his anger on her whenever he felt like it- kinda like a human punching bag. Accept the 'punching bag' was already broken before the abuse.

Thana hesitantly made her way to the kitchen where she saw him holding his famous belt. He shouted her over as she quickly went to his side to be picked up by her collar and smacked across the face with the belt. The fragile girl yelped in pain as he punched her in the rib then her neck then repeatedly everywhere until Thana's body couldn't take it anymore and started to shut itself down. Not even a Minuit later Her fragile body lay deep into a coma on the hard wood floor finally getting the break it deserved.

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