Chapter 15

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3rd person pov

2 days later

At school

During class alot of students notice the sad looks on Kaito family, so the students became worried especially the girls.

Kaito family didnt pay attention during any of their classes.

Murayama: Hey Asia?

Asia: Um yes?

Murayama: Do you know what wrongs with Kuroka and the others they all seem to be down lately?

Asia: Their brother got hurt and is unconscious.

Murayama gasp

Murayama: *sad* I see, so they worried if he will wake up or not?

Asia: Yeah.

Murayama: I hope he wakes up, I cant help, but worry about them.

Asia: I feel the same way.

Asia looks at Mordred, Katsumi and Tamaki.

After school.

Kaito family were walking out of the school when they were suddenly called.

??: You guys!

They turned back and notice Issei running towards them.

Mordred: What do you want?

Issei: Buchou asked if you can come over to the club really quick.

Kuroka: Why should we, beside we got better things to worry about.

Issei: Come on it wont take long.

Tamaki: Come on it probably wont take long.

Tohru: *sighs* Fine lead the way.


Issei: Buchou, I brought them.

Rias: Thank you Issei. *notice the irradiated look* I know now isnt a great, but I wanted to inform you all that we will be going to the underworld and my parents asked if they could meet you all.

Tohru: Look Rias I honestly dont know. *turns to the others* What do you all think?

Kuroka: *sighs* I think we should discuss this with Kaito, but he will only wake up tomorrow.

Mordred: I agree with Kuroka.

Tamaki: Same here.

Katsumi: Same.

Kuroka: Guess we all in agreement then. *turns to Rias* When will you all be leaving?

Rias: Next week.

Kuroka: Okay, then. Let's go home everyone. *turns around to leave*

Rias: *concerned* How is he by the way?

Tohru: I honestly dont know, his still asleep and we cant stop worrying about him. It hurts you know. It hurts not being able to help him. All of us feel so useless not being to do something for him.

Xenovia: Oh yeah, I wanted to ask, who was that yellow mouse?

Mordred: That was dad familiar. Our father has more than one familiar. He has about 6 familiars.

O.R.C: Huh?!

Asia: Woah really? That's so amazing!

Akeno: Oh yeah may I ask, where is Kaito exactly?

Katsumi: He is back at Kyoto, it helps heals his wounds quicker.

Akeno: I see.

Koneko: *thoughts* Onii-chan.

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