Chapter 11

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2 days later

Right now we are all at school and I notices there were alot of parents at our school today.

Kaito: *taps Issei shoulder* Hey sorry to bother you, but what are the parents doing at our school?

Issei: Today is Open house, it where our parents come and watch how we interact and behave in class.

Kaito: Ah I see. *telepathic link and relays message*

Kuroka: 'Kaito it would appear that our parents are also here.'

Kaito: 'Huh?' *looks behind him and notice his parents and little sister*
'Oh great.'

After class.

After class had ended my family have walked over my desk, but I notice some of my classmates were watching.

Kurama: Hello son.

Yakasa: Hello dear.

Kaito: *smiles* Hey mom, dad and-gah.

Kunou: *hugs Kaito* It so great to see you again onii-chan!

Kaito: *hugs back* It great to see you all as well.

Girls: Aw Kaito such a loving older brother.

Girl 01: I wish he were my big brother.

Kurama: I see your quite popular among the ladies.

Kaito: It not like I wanted this attention.

I noticed Issei leaving.

Kaito: Anyway would you like to meet the younger devils?

Kurama: Of course.

Yasaka: I would love to.

Kunou: Can you carry me on your back Onii-chan?

Kaito: Of course. *turns to the others* Shall we?

Mordred: Yip.

Katsumi: Yeah.

We headed out and head toward the O.R.C. as we approached we notice the student council and Rias and her queen.

Kaito: Hey girls.

Sona: Ah Lord Kaito a pleasure.

Tsubaki: How are you?

Kaito: I'm quite well thank you, hope you all are doing well.

Sona: Yes, we are and we thank you for your concern.

Rias: May I ask what you are doing Kaito?

Kaito: Oh just show my parents around.

Rias: Oh.......*eyes widen in realization* wait then are the people behind you.......

Sona: *scared* Your parents?

Kaito: Yip. *gestures to Kurama and Yasaka*

Kurama: Hello, my name is Kurama and I'm Kaito, Kunou and Kuroka father.

Yasaka: My name is Yasaka and I'm their mother.

Both heiress were scared and sweating bullet for they were in front of Kaito parent the strongest Yokais in the Yokai faction.

Rias: *scared* I-I-Its a pleasure to meet you.

Sona: Y-Y-Yes, I hope you are enjoying yourselves today.

Yasaka: That we are thank you.

Kurama: Though I was quite upset, for how you ignore our daughter presence.

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