Skye didn't say anything and instead just passed me a soft smile.

It was quiet between us after that as we continued staring at the dark sky in a different light filled with marvel. I felt a sense of serenity wash over me, thinking about how sweet Skye's gesture was. He actually bought a telescope because I'd wished for it.

Every time I thought about it, my heart and stomach would flutter simultaneously. What was even more beautiful was that he likes me back. Although I silently wondered where we both stood in our relationship since we like each other. We haven't talked about it but it didn't deter me at all. I was just fine with what we are. I somewhat felt bad to not be able to tell him that I love him but everything has its time. I would tell when we would be prepared, ready and comfortable enough for it.

"Wanna head in? It's getting chilly out here." Skye suggested, breaking the silence and pointed behind us toward the tree house.

I nodded my head because it was indeed cold and mid-November could get pretty brash during the nights. The only reason I had forgotten all about the cold was because of the excitement wreathing me in its wake.

Tightening my trench coat around me, I followed behind Skye. We were both lost in our own thoughts and the sounds of our shoes crunching beneath, insects chittering, cold wind billowing past us and the smooth gliding of our pace held all my attention. The thing and beauty about observing is that it could make you sound poetic.

My train of observation ended as soon as we were inside the tree house. Looking around, I saw that its walls were all covered behind the cabinets. I looked at Skye in disbelief because this work was incomplete just two days ago and now the entire house was almost brimming with them along with the fresh woodsy scent.

"Whoa." I chuckled breathlessly. "You really do love to work with wood, don't you?" I said with wonderment.

Skye snorted loudly from beside me. "I love me some carving," he spoke in a cute, cooing tone and I swear I almost swooned at the sight.

Turning away, my eyes fell on his seventeen year old grinning picture frame on the desk. I walked closer to it and tentatively lifted it up before giving a quick glance to Skye. He didn't seem to care that I was staring at it but his face was pinched with sorrow and angst.

"I used to hate being Skylar Nolan, you know. Nolan's my middle name though." He chuckled softly, reminiscing back to his teenage days. "I just passionately hated being that overweight kid. It's not like life was easy back then. In fact, it was hard but those moments are gone and it feels like things are always the worst in the present, you know? And now it's almost like I... miss those days. Miss being him," he said, pointing a finger at the frame that I was still holding. "Because sometimes, life is just hard as a grown up."

Gently, I put it down and leaned my back against the desk, turning to face him fully. "Wanna talk about it?" I passed him an invigorating smile.

For a second, he looked at me as if he couldn't believe his ears but then almost immediately his face fell and he nodded slowly. "Sure," he mumbled.

Without another glance or word, he trudged toward his bed but instead sat down on the creaky wooden floor. He wrapped his arms around his knees and stared up at the ceiling.

"Don't tell me because you feel like you're obliged to, Skye. Talk to me if you really want to. Like you need a shoulder to put your head on and an ear to confide your secrets in," I told him with a serious expression.

Skye bobbed his head funnily to look at me but this time he seemed amused. "Valerie..." he began. "I need your shoulder to put my head on and your ear to confide my secrets in."

"You sly-" I didn't even finish my sentence and sprinted toward him. I put my fists on my waist and huffed out loudly. Sitting down beside him, I grumbled, "No need to be sarcastic."

He convulsed into a hearty laughter, making my frown melt away within seconds. "Aww, Val. But I was serious. If anything, I know I can always count on you." He grinned, showing off his dimples and the crinkles around his eyes.

I glared at him playfully. "Good." Seconds and minutes ticked by as I continued staring at him, seeing the torrent of emotions playing on his face which then settled into a sad one.

"So..." He sighed, seeming distressed again. His pause was way too long as if he was trying to frame his words. The furrow between his brows was a clear sign that the mere talk stressed him out completely. "I was about twelve when I moved in with my maternal grandparents because the pressure got too much... for me to handle. Being the son of one of the wealthiest men has never been... easy for me.

"Believe it or not but when you're under a constant scrutiny of the public's eye, they expect you to look glamorous. They really want you to play the part. They don't care even if it depresses or hurts you in any way because they don't know you personally. I mean, sometimes a huge celebrity has to commit suicide because of receiving hate from the public for something that's not even wrong like existing. And when he dies, we all paste "RIPs" everywhere, faking condolences and mourning over his death."

I tilted my head to properly look at him when I saw the burning anger swirling in his usually calm eyes. It was like he had first hand witnessed it which I was pretty sure that he did. I cradled his head with one hand and rested it on my shoulder very gently. "Did you... did you..." I gulped, unable to finish my sentence and also too scared to utter the word.

"Don't worry. I did no such thing. I would never bring myself to harm my body," he assured me.

His words took me back to the day when we were standing on the bridge. When he'd assured me that he wouldn't do such a thing as we were watching the sunset. Sunsets reminded me of how much Skye loved watching them back then as well. Now I understood why he was being so deep about them. And now I also understood as to why he used to come out just to watch the glowing orange sky turning dark.

"I am telling all of this because... I was literally body shamed and trolled for no apparent reason. Living with my parents got hard after a certain point." His voice sounded almost choked but he swallowed the lump in his throat. "My mom made a decision in my favor and arranged for me to live with her parents since they live in this small town. The town where you used to live in as well." His smile at the end was filled with warmth and wistfulness.

I returned his smile and nodded my head shyly. "Yeah but... but then you left," I uttered the last word in a sigh.

"I did, yes but that's because I had to leave for college since my homeschooling was done," he replied, staring at his hands.

"Which reminds me why did you homeschool? Were the paps hard on you back then too?" I asked, trying to conceal my worry but I guess it didn't work out.

Skye chuckled bitterly, lifting his head off of my shoulder. "Paps were hard when I was here in NYC but after my parents brought me to my grandparents' place, they made sure to not let them follow me. Which is why I had to change my name. To not be recognized. But there was another disaster waiting for me there. I-I-" He didn't even finish his statement as he struggled to form the words.

I quickly scrambled in front of him and held his face in my hands. "Hey, hey. Look at me," I coaxed as he reluctantly followed my words. "It's okay. Just keep looking at me."

His eyes were brimming with unshed tears and without another word, I put my arms around his neck tightly and his familiar whiff of wood wafted through my nostrils. It soothed my senses. He did the same and clung onto me like his life depended on it. My heart soared as well as wavered slightly at his broken expression.

At that moment, I wished nothing more than for him to forget about all of those worst things that happened to him. But then again, he wouldn't be half of what he is if it weren't for his past. I couldn't be more proud of how he turned out to be. A good man with a heart of gold.

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