"Long story. I haven't spoken to you in weeks and we're arguing!"

He took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry. So you're all recovered now?"

"I am. Beat up Zane too."

Penny rolls her eyes and glaring at her, I point to the door. She gets the message and leaves me alone, taking Alfie with her. Curling up on my bed, Logan tells me what they've been up to, which seems to be everything other than what they had set out to do. I give him a brief run over on my trip back in time, skipping out a few minor details about Portia and Sobek's involvement in the creation of the Treaty.

"I miss you Bunny." Logan sighed. "What are you going to do now?"

"Well, Penny is here and so is Zane, so I thought I might join up with them for a bit. I was looking on the network and there is a small coven of witches that got caught doing some dark magic with human sacrifices. Penny mentioned they were going to go check it out since it's only about three hours away, so I was going to go with them."

I wait for the lecture, the argument, the reasons why I shouldn't, but it doesn't happen. "Be careful if you go. I'm glad you're back to normal, doesn't make me worry as much."

"You don't care if I go?" Wait for it...

"No. You can look after yourself, I know you can. You're one of the best Hunters I know and sure I don't like it, but it's what we do, right? Just be careful. I love you."

My eyes get a bit wet again and I blink away the threat of tears.

"I love you too."

Now I feel guilty for lying, and I want to tell him about Huntington, and that I'm worried Cain is up to something. I want to tell him about my tattoo and that my nightmares of fighting all kinds of monsters haven't actually gone away. The only thing I've been truthful to him about is that I am feeling 'normal' again.

It's better if he doesn't know.

I'm sure of it.

"Hows lover boy?" Penny teases as I go back out.

My parents come back then with Zane in tow.

"You've spoken to Logan?" Dad asks cautiously.

"Yeah, way to sell me out."

He shakes his head, clearly amused. "They wouldn't believe me if I told them anyway."

I knew he had a point. My Dad, the serious, protective, mighty hunter - setting up his daughter to be taken away by a cursed egyptian god. Dad wouldn't have let me get within a hundred miles of Sobek if he knew that was what was going to happen. He had put a huge chunk of trust in Huntington's 'tip' and if it was me, seeing her today would have been beyond awkward.

"True. So, how was Huntington?" He gets my point.

"Expecting you actually. She was disappointed you didn't attend."

"I'm sure she was."

He gives me a look, clearly there is more to be said, but my lips are sealed.

"Are you up for coming with us Penny?" Zane changes the topic and Penny eagerly nods. "Elise?"

"What?" I play dumb.

"You coming with us to check on the coven?"

"I'm not on house arrest anymore?"

He groans and goes into the kitchen where Mum is making us all coffee and Penny quickly follows so its just me and Dad.

"You know you're not on house arrest Elise."

Hunter: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now