16~ We Knew This Day Would Come

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"I can't believe I lost him." Katara muttered, kneeling to the ground.

(Y/n) felt the ground shake and the booms echoing into the sanctuary, caused by fireballs hitting the tribe.

"It wasn't just your fault, Katara." (Y/n) said, putting her hand on Katara's shoulder.

"You did everything you could," Sokka said, trying to comfort his sister. "And now we need to do everything we can to get him back."

"Zuko couldn't have gone far," (Y/n) said, pulling Katara to her feet. She gently wiped the tears that were falling onto Katara's cheeks. "We'll find him. Aang's gonna be fine."

"Okay." Katara said, a weak smile pulling at her lips.

Sokka, Yue, and Katara all boarded Appa. (Y/n) hesitated.

"(Y/n)?" Yue questioned. "Aren't you coming?"

"I should stay here. In case Aang comes back, someone better be here to tell him where you guys went," (Y/n) said. "Momo can stay with me." She scooped the lemur up into her arms, who purred at the sudden affection.

The girls didn't seem too bothered by (Y/n)'s proposition, and handed her bow and arrow down to her. Sokka looked at her funny, his brows knit together and the crease between them making itself as known as ever. His eyes were wary, unsure of what she was doing.

"You stay safe." Sokka said.

"You, too." (Y/n) said back.

"Yip, yip." Sokka motioned for Appa to start flying, and (Y/n) waved them off as they disappeared from her view.

She sat cross-legged in front of the pool, watching the two fish circle each other in their eternal dance.

"What am I supposed to do, Momo?" (Y/n) asked the lemur that was cradled in her arms. Momo only chirped in response.

She heard the sounds of fireballs hitting the tribe, and winced each time the ground shook. She stroked Momo's head as he shivered. Soft screams in the distance sent her stomach flying.

Her people were doing this. No matter how much good she tried to do now, she felt as though somehow, some way, her true Fire Nation roots would reveal themselves in ways she couldn't control. Her friends didn't even know the whole truth about her. How was she going to tell them, now?

She let Aang be taken. What else was she going to let happen?

A great flash of white flew up from behind her, and out of the sanctuary. It had to be Aang returning from the Spirit World.

Where are they?

The door to the oasis creaked open. A large man stood tall, and alone, facing her. She stood up, and strapped her quiver to her back. She couldn't see the mans face.

"(Y/n), we meet again."

"Zhao." Y/n) said through gritted teeth. She held her bow up, with an arrow aimed at him as he walked towards her. He wasn't firing at her.

Why wasn't he firing?

"(Y/n), do you know why i'm here tonight?" Zhao asked, approaching her with a small bag in his hand.

"To try and defeat the Northern Water Tribe. It's a full moon tonight, Zhao. You know you can't win." (Y/n) knew Zhao was smart enough to know that.

"Oh, I know. I intend to remove the moon as a factor."

She must've had the most puzzled look on her face, because Zhao then began to explain.

"I'll tell you, even though you're a traitor. The fish in that pond are the Moon and Ocean Spirits. They have given up their mortality, and they will suffer the consequences." Zhao opened the bag as he grew even closer to her.

Water in Your Hands [1] (Sokka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now