13~ Burn Baby Burn

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"This should give us a good idea of what's around here." Katara said, eyeing the poster glued to the post in front of them.

"See if you can find a menu. I'm starving." Sokka said, shaking the empty bag in his hand into his mouth, with only crumbs falling out.

(Y/n) and Sokka had been distant from each other. Sokka had apologized, but he didn't know how else to make up for his words other than to say as little to her as possible. That sucked, because he loved talking, and especially to her. When they did speak, it was civil, no underlying tones of bitterness. It just required patience, which neither of them had a lot of.

Every time (Y/n) had looked at Sokka, she wished things could go back to the way they were. Making fun of each other, teaching each other things, sneaking bits of food from his meals only to get a rise out of him. Instead, she spent more time with Katara, learning how to better take care of herself in ways that didn't involve violence. She learned how to sew her own clothes, and style hair in traditional Water Tribe ways to make herself look more believable in her Water Tribe getup.

"I bet we'll find something to eat here, the Fire Days Festival," Aang said, pointing to the poster. " 'Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians...' This would be a great place for me to study some real firebenders."

"You might want to rethink that. Look at this." Sokka calls them over to the other side of the post, where a 'Wanted' poster of Aang was hung, along with two men she didn't recognize, and the Blue Spirit.

With protest from Sokka, they decided to check out the festival. They wore black hoods to disguise themselves, but instead they just looked more suspicious. Aang threw the back of his shawl over his head, barely covering his arrows.

When they got to the festival, they got Fire Nation masks to hide their faces. (Y/n) had remembered her parents taking her to similar festivals as a kid, and the smell in the air took her back years.

They approached a food stand for Sokka to grab something to eat.

"Flaming fire flakes. Best in town." The man at the stand handed Sokka a small bag of the flakes.

"I'll take 'em." Sokka grabbed the bag and started shoving the flakes in his mouth.

"Sokka, I don't think you'll be able to handle—" (Y/n) said as she shovelled the food in his mouth. He was already too far gone, his mouth wouldn't be able to handle any spicy Fire Nation food.

Sokka screamed and started to wipe his tongue off to rid himself of the heat. "Hot! Hot!"

Katara pointed out the obvious result the food would have on him, and (Y/n) could only chuckle at him. He looked at her and raised a brow, and she smiled under the mask. She knew he couldn't see it, but it was the first smile she had gotten because of him in a while.

They walked around the festival some more, stopping at a magicians stage to watch them perform. He called up a volunteer, and just their luck, he called Katara.

They watched as the magician tied Katara to a chair, bending fire to 'tame the dragon', and he claimed he was losing control. The dragon of fire started to fly right for Katara, and Aang jumped on the stage to airbend the fire away. His mask fell off, and boo's roared from the crowd when the trick was ruined. Sokka and (Y/n) jumped on stage, and she danced around with Aang to distract the crowd as Sokka untied his sister.

"Hey, that kid's the Avatar!"

Soldiers started to approach the stage, and a cloaked man called to them from the other side of the stage. They ran towards him, and the man lead them through the festival as soldiers were hot on their tails. Aang called Appa, and the bison blew soldiers away.

Water in Your Hands [1] (Sokka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now