15~ The Day We Have Feared

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Katara and Aang had left early in the morning to actually train with Master Pakku. (Y/n) tried to sleep in, but they were so loud and excited when leaving, that they had woken (Y/n) up past the point of falling back asleep.

She reluctantly got up, and got ready to go for a solo walk. She heard Sokka grumble as he woke up, so she left him to get himself in order for his "hang-out" with Yue. It was a date, she knew it, they knew it, but nobody could really say it was a date. Sokka had told her that Yue was engaged, and it tore her up to see Sokka so upset about it. A part of her cracked a little when she had to remember that Sokka liked Yue, and not her.

(Y/n) took her time walking around the city, trying to find something to use as target practice. When her search came up with nothing, she decided to just go off and get Appa fed.

She wandered to the stables, where buffalo-yak grazed on the food in their troughs. (Y/n) pulled some greenery from a nearby shed, and continued to bring armfuls of the stuff to a pile in front of Appa. When she dropped the last heap onto the pile, Sokka and Yue approached her.

"Appa and I go way back, don't we boy?" Sokka said to the bison, who then pinned Sokka down and began licking him affectionately. "Ah! Easy! Down boy! No! Up!"

"Looks like you haven't been giving Appa enough attention. (Y/n)'s doing all the work." Yue joked

"Always picking up the slack." (Y/n) joked back.

(Y/n) dusted herself off and joined Yue's side as Sokka struggled to get himself out from under Appa's paw. The two girls giggled to each other as they watched.

"Is Sokka gonna take you for a ride on Appa?" Y/n) asked.

Yue blushed. "Yeah, i've never flown before."

"It's fun, trust me. Sokka's steering sucks, though."

"Does not!" Sokka yelled, as he continued to try and pull himself up.

"Does so!" (Y/n) yelled back.

"I just like spending time with him. It feels wrong, maybe that's why I like it." Yue said.

"Yue, you're bad!" (Y/n) gasped, feigning shock.

Sokka had finally gotten himself up, and approached the two giggling girls. "You ready?"

"Sure am. Bye, (Y/n)." Yue waved to (Y/n) as her and Sokka climbed aboard Appa.

(Y/n) wandered further into the city, trying to find a way to occupy her time. Right on cue, she saw Nanuq walking up the street towards her.

She would've been totally focused on the handsome man in front of her, if dots of black hadn't started to drift from the sky. Nanuq and (Y/n) both stuck their hands out to examine the snow.

It was filled with soot. The Fire Nation was close.

The two both looked at each other and dashed through the city.

"We have to get to the hall!" Nanuq yelled, (Y/n) trailing behind him.

Drums began to beat through the city, which she assumed to be a warning call.

"I have to find the kids!"  (Y/n)'s mind raced, going faster than her body was.

"They'll be there, come on!"

They made it to the hall, and Nanuq went up onto the platform to sit with his father and Yue. (Y/n) found Sokka, Aang, and Katara already sitting off to the side. She ran to them, and slid close to them.

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