8~Pirates, Scrolls, and Fights, Oh My!

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"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in"

Oh, it was some puddle, alright.

A waterfall cascaded into a small lake, with trees lining the area around them. It was beautiful. Aang, Katara, and (Y/n) gawked at the sight, while Sokka seemed disinterested, again. Appa splashed and rolled in the cool water, taking a well deserved break.

"Don't start without me, boy!" Aang cries, stripping his clothes off to follow his bison.

"Remember the reason we're here." Katara interrupts.

"Oh, right. Time to practice waterbending."

"Great. So what are we supposed to do?" Sokka asks, pointing his finger between him and (Y/n).

"You could clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang hands Sokka a branch with leaves on the end, a nice makeshift brush.

"So while you guys are playing in the water, we're supposed to be hard at work picking bud out of a giant bison's feet?" Sokka crosses his arms.

"Not we! I'm taking this opportunity to wash up." (Y/n) says, walking off to a quiet place on the shore of the lake. Sokka glared at her as she walked away.

Sure, he helped her at the temple, but he couldn't get what Zhao had said about her out of his mind. He had seen her talents, and what she could do. Sokka knew that (Y/n) was strong, and good at what she did. So how did Zhao know? She was hiding something, and Sokka knew it.

(Y/n) had been in a little bit of disarray. She had lost her bow, now only ashes in the rubble of the temple. She had her arrows, but they were no good without the thing that launched them. She would have to depend on her physical fighting, but in a world of bending, it probably wouldn't help her that much.

(Y/n) had stripped down to her undergarments, and waded into the water. She let her hair down from her updo, and dove her head under the water. It was cool on her skin, and she could feel the dust wash away.

Sokka stood on top of Appa, mumbling to himself about his frustrations about Aang, Katara, and (Y/n). She didn't care to listen, and continued to wash herself. He kept a steady eye on her, and she would return his looks with glares.

"Could I get some privacy, please?" (Y/n) spat, pushing her wet hair away from her face.

"Maybe if you weren't washing up so close to me, I could stop having to look at your half-naked body." Sokka spat back at her.

"There's not really any area in the water that's super private, is it that hard to not look at me?"

She could see some colour grow in Sokka's face, as he jerked his head away from her to focus on his task. She knew he hadn't forgotten what Zhao had said. He had been acting the same way that he did when they first met. Watching her, not trusting her.

She didn't even want to warm him about the huge wave about to nearly drown him. She ducked her head under the water to avoid the splash, and when she had brought her head back up, she found him right next to her. She couldn't help herself when she erupted into a fit of giggles, trying to catch her breath. He stared at her through narrow eyes, his mouth and nose still under the water.

She walked out the water, wringing her hair out onto the ground. "You needed to wash up anyway. You stink."

He watched as the sun hit her wet skin, the droplets on her shoulders holding the sunlight in them. It reminded him of the way her eyes looked in the same sunlight. He shook his head in the water, the noise loud in his ears. He didn't want to think so highly of someone who was hiding secrets from them. Big secrets.

Water in Your Hands [1] (Sokka x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat