Chapter 24

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"—And then Kurogiri has still been making me take those vitamins... Sometimes I hand them over to Tomura just so he can decay them for me." I giggled, fidgeting with my hands.

I raised my eyes from my hands, gazing at the gravestone in front of me. My throat constricted as I felt a warm stream of water develop on the crevices of my eyes. "Come on, damnit... It's been 5 fucking months." I muttered, clenching my fists.

"You're here again?..."

I stayed silent, wiping away my tears, and turning my head around. "I can ask you the same thing, Katsuki."

He mumbled some stuff, walking towards Izuku's grave, and bending down to set some flowers. Katsuki touched his grave, sighing a bit.

Ever since they buried Izuku, I visited him almost every day, mostly during the early morning since people would barely be at the cemetery at that time. But one day I decided to go during the evening, and I saw Katsuki. We talked for a while and shared stuff about our relationship with him. Even though he was still a hero, he put behind the whole fugitive thing, just for the sake of his dead friend.

"So, how's the baby?" Katsuki said, looking over at me and then pointing to my stomach. I looked down and then looked back at Izuku's grave.

"He's doing go-"

"He? You found out the gender already?" He laughed a bit, standing up, and then helping me up as well. "Yeah, this morning. The doctor that Kurogiri got said that it was a boy and that he was healthy!"

Katsuki smiled at me, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and then looking back down at the grave.

"That night... When we were fighting All For One... He did a majority of the damage on All For One, so he was in horrible condition. Yet he still smiled even though he was bleeding and clearly in pain. I asked him how he was so positive and all he said was, "When this is over, I'm going to run away with Y/N, get married, and have a kid with her..."

After he finished saying that, both of us stayed silent, looking at his grave. Every time I looked at his grave, my head felt fuzzy. It felt just like a fever dream.

My lip started quivering a bit, and I felt the warm, salty tears stream down my face. Even after all of these months, I still cried every single time I visited him.

Katsuki took a few steps closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. I gripped onto him, silently sobbing into his chest. "I miss him so much, Katsuki, I can't take it anymore..." I whispered. Katsuki started rubbing my back, trying to comfort me. "I know, I miss him too... That stupid Deku... Why'd he have to fucking die."

For the next few months, I visited Izuku's grave daily. Some days I would run into Katsuki, other days Toga would tag along, but a majority of the time I would be by myself, and just talk to him.

Today though, Katsuki visited him as well. In the middle of our conversation, I demanded he take out my phone and call Kurogiri, so he could warp us over to the underground doctor.

It was a rough 17 hours. My contractions were horrible and I was so fucking tired. Since it was an underground doctor, only a few people were allowed there. I allowed Katsuki, Kurogiri, and then someone from the league to come if they wanted to. Of course, Toga was the first to find out, so once Kurogiri was about to warp she jumped in.

Kurogiri and Katsuki were holding my hand the whole time I had to push, while Toga was where the doctor was standing, watching everything.

Even though it was a painful 17 hours, in the end, I gave birth to my son and was able to hold him. He had a head full of green hair, and faint freckles sprinkled on his cheeks.

A few hours after my son was born, they made me fill out his birth certificate...

"Oh, this is the part where you get to choose its name!" Toga exclaimed, looking over at my son, and grinning.

"Toga is right. This is the part where you choose his name." Kurogiri followed, flipping to the next page of his book. "You mine as well name him Izuku. That little bastard is the spitting image of him!" Katsuki crossed his arms, closing his eyes.

I thought about it for a few seconds and then started writing down his name.

'Izuku Midoriya-L/N'

A few more months passed, and Kurogiri helped me move back to the house that Izuku and I acquired in the woods. I decided that it was better to raise Izu in a house where his father's face was everywhere, just so he would grow up knowing his face.

Izu was surprisingly a really calm child. He rarely cried, slept a lot, and loved watching the little All Might cartoons that played every morning on the TV.

Those months quickly turned into years. It was like I blinked and Izu was already a 6-year-old kid, who was the spitting image of his father.

"Mommy?" Izu knocked on my door a few times, slowly opening it. He walked over to my desk, climbing onto my lap. I tilted my head out of confusion, closing my laptop.

"Why don't... Why don't I have a dad?!" He exclaimed, a bit disappointed. "Kacchan is kind of like my dad, but you guys always tell me that you guys are just friends and that he's my guardian or something! I want to know who's my dad!... Did he- Did he not love me?" Izu started whimpering a bit at the end of the sentence, looking down at his hands.

I stared at him for a few seconds, tightly hugging him. "Your dad loved you so much, Izu... The thing is... Your dad died 7 years ago when he was fighting a really bad villain." I tried sugar coating a majority of it, but just enough for his 6-year-old to process.

"A really bad villain? Dad was a hero?! Was he just as good as Kacchan?!" Izu exclaimed, stars appearing in his eyes. I laughed a bit, tucking some of his hair behind his ear. "Well, he was way better than Kacchan."

"Really?! Then I want to be a really good hero like dad! I'll save everyone and make sure it's a safe place! I'll be the greatest hero!"

I stared at him for a while, gradually smiling. "Yeah... You'll be the best hero, Izuku..."


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