Chapter 8

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Izuku POV

"Yeah, 2 bowls of katsudon please- What- Of course I want the fucking drink!... Uh-huh... Yeah... Okay, I'll see you soon."

I slowly opened my eyes, touching my head. A dim light was above me and a girl was talking a few feet away from me.

"Where am I?..." I mumbled out, sitting up on the couch. I heard someone's faint footsteps come up to me and the couch sank.

"You're finally awake. It was a pain in the ass, carrying you. I dropped you a couple of times so if your head hurts then it's because of that!"

I looked up at the girl and squinted my eyes a bit, but then I realized who she was. "Y/N... You-"


Izuku pushed me down and held my wrists, pinning me down. "Get off of me, you look like you're passing out already, you lost a lot of blood!"

"No!- I-... I have to..." Before Izuku could finish his sentence, his body gave up, causing him to fall on me.

I sighed and sat up, holding his body. "Stop struggling. You lost a lot of fucking blood." I dragged him back into the couch and watched as he looked around.

I heard someone knock on the door, so I went over to open it. "Hey, here's your take-out! Have a good da-" The delivery man's eyes widened behind me. I tilted my head a little bit and took the food out of his hands.

He ran away, as soon as I took the food. "Oh hey! I didn't get to pay y-"

Izuku tackled me from behind, causing the both of us to fall onto the ground. His grip on my wrist was weak and he looked like he was about to pass out any second.

"One for all! Full ca-"

I kicked his stomach causing him to groan and fall on his side, any normal person shouldn't have been able to wake up, but I'm guessing since he has been trained for a hero, he most likely build up a tolerance.

"Tch... Either stay on the fucking ground and obey or you can keep on struggling, damnit." I scoffed and walked over to the food that was on the ground.

I picked up the box and saw that the katsudon was still intact, the liter of soda was probably all shaken up, but still, it was edible.

"What did you get? Is this some type of villain merchandise?!" Izuku groaned as he stood up to lean against the wall.

I set the 2 bowls of food along with the Coca-Cola in the middle of the dining table. "No... It's just food, I'm not some type of low-life poor villain."

I walked over to him and took him by the wrist. He tugged on his arm a little and I sighed. "Ease up. You need to wash your hands... You are going to wash your hands before eating... Right?"

"I am! But, I can wash my hands myself!" Izuku retorted, pulling his hand away from mine and making his way over to the kitchen sink.

After he washed his hands I washed mine and we sat down on the kitchen table, diagonal from each other. We stayed in complete silence for a few seconds until I opened up my food first.

"Just eat... It's not laced with anything, you saw me take it from the delivery man." I said, picking up some food with my chopsticks and bringing it to my mouth.

I looked up at Izuku and saw his big eyes, widened with... Amazement? "Are you okay? Do you not eat kats-"

"I'm okay. I just- I actually really like katsudon... My mother used to always make it for me..." Izuku murmured as he opened up his food and started eating.

I opened the coke, pouring it into 2 glasses. "Used to?... What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking."

"Like I would tell a villain... You may be acting all nice and everything, but you basically kidnapped me, and not to mention you killed countless people!"

I drank some of the coke and took a few more bites of my food until I pushed it to the middle of the table. "Villain this, villain that, if you don't want to tell me then that's fine!"

I got up and made my way to the couch, picking up the blanket to throw it into the washer machine.

"Oh and... That little slogan that you said earlier when you were about to kill me. "One for all?" What does that mean?"

I leaned up against the kitchen wall and waited for his answer. He didn't reply, he just finished eating his food and drinking his soda.

"It's nothing... Just a little catchphrase that I like to say, you know?" Izuku got up with the takeout and threw it away. He washed his hands and I made my way over to him.

"A little slogan? Come on, don't lie to me, Izuku~... I just wanna know what the slogan means!" I chuckled a bit and waited for his response.

He gave me a fierce look and made his way over to the couch to get some of the gear that I took off of him. "It doesn't concern you, Y/N... Now just don't put up a fight so I can take you back to Tartarus." He said, pulling out some handcuffs and showing them to me.

"Aw, kinky are you?" I teased him, laughing a bit. He got a bit red and looked down at the handcuffs, opening them. "Y/N, p-please stop saying stuff like that and jus-"

"Wait-" I felt a chill go up my spine and averted my eyes to the corner of the room, a black portal was opening up, it looked an awful lot like Kurogiri's but it wasn't his.

"Aw, Y/N, you finally got a lover. I hope you don't mind me passing by, I overheard the words "One For All", isn't that right? Izuku Midoriya..."

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