8 | The Shadow of Crescent Peak~

Start from the beginning

"You better be sorry!" Kaiser seethed with rage. "I want Prince Monique dead, do you understand?! Now do your job, royal assassin!!"

Artero clenched his fists as he licked the blood on his lips. He tasted like rust and propaganda.

Kaiser left the room with a loud bam on the door. The paintings on the walls shook with tremor.

A son was left alone in his room, conflicted.

"I won't disappoint you again, father."


Seren was lost.

She stood in the middle of a crowd as she tried to navigate her way into the city.

She was elsewhere in an unknown city much like Berrin, except the one she was currently in had a lot more people. It was crowdy and people got into her personal space, then blamed her for it. She had to shove away a few people who got too close for their own good. She resorted to threatening to punch them if she ever saw them again. She would start a brawl if she had to.

Initially, when she jumped out of that window back in the Koi estate, she spent a day going around looking for clothes. Somehow, she wound up in the back of someone's house where they hung their clothes to dry. She 'borrowed' a tunic and working baggy kecks that hung on her waist, which must have belonged to a man because they were far too big. She also found a pair of gloves to hide her prosthetic hands, and a pair of cow skin beaten-down lace-up boots.

She could do nothing about the mass of bandages around her skin. Her whole upper body starting from the neck was covered with them. Suppose the large tunic helped to cover up to her elbows, but that was about the extent.

Then she ended up exploring a farm and managed to convince the farmer to give her a ride on the back of his wagon to wherever he was headed. She liked the farmer—he gave her a ride without expecting anything in return. As repayment for his kindness, Seren spent half the day helping him carry haystacks. She got to know that his name was Remmy, a gentle name for a gentle man.

And that was the start of how she got lost. After Remmy had to leave, Seren thought she would be fine on her own. Her stomach was growling, and she had no money on her.

Eventually she ended up in a place called the Emporium. From what she could tell, it was a bizarre place where merchants alike gathered to sell their goodies. There were also people in colorful silly clothes doing street performances, like juggling eight knives at the same time—which she thought was very impressive. When the performer was finished, he eagerly stretched out his hat. In no time, it was brimming with coins from the people.

Seren thought, Whoa, people can earn from juggling all sorts of things? If that was the case, she better get started because she needed a stomach to fill.

Just as she was about to get started, an elderly woman with greying hair popped up from nowhere and shoved something that smelled delicious to her face.

"Rice balls?" the woman asked, a wide toothless grin on her face.

Seren took the opportunity to sniff it. Her eyes widened. "That smells nice!"

"Right? My grandchildren made them. Here, try one!" she handed Seren a stick.

She took her first bite and munched. These taste good, she thought. The world is truly prospering. Soon after that, she put all of them in her mouth until she looked like a squirrel.

She smiled at the lady as she chewed. "Thank you, old lady." But it came out as Yank yew, owd wady, with all that food in her mouth.

"That would cost you three marks."

Seren froze. I thought they were free... The elderly woman's open palm was eagerly waiting for some money.

"I... I don't have any money..." She sounded almost sad when she said it.

The elderly woman smiled. Then she yelled, "Thief! Thief! We have a thief!"

Almost every head close by turned to her. Seren raised her arms in defense and slowly backed away. "But she—!"

"GET HERRR!" someone yelled.

And that was how she started a mob.

Seren ran as fast as she could, almost crashing on every stand she passed.

"Kamir!!" she immediately called for him as she panted.

There was a mob of bloodthirsty merchants on her tail, carrying knives and rolling pins or whatever they had in store. It was a mistake glancing back on her part because all she saw were vicious faces. Curse you, old lady!

A scurrying wind spirit monk appeared in front of her. "...you called for me?..."

"Kamir!" Seren was so happy he was there. "Quick! Lend me your speed!" She eyed a group of barrels being rolled across the road by a civilian. When he saw her running to his direction—and the giant mob behind her—his eyes widened just at the same time Seren leaped in the air.

He watched in slow-motion as her boot connected with his back. He stumbled down with an oof as she used him as a stool. Seren jumped over the obstacle. "My apologies!" she shouted to him.

He gave her the finger, right before he was trampled over by a hoard of angry merchants.


Kamir kept up with her speed. "...as you wish..."

A strong breeze surrounded her, hair flowing. Suddenly, her body felt extremely light—she felt like the wind.

She wore excitement on her face. She did her stance. "And... go!"

She flew through the streets like a wraith. She dodged all of the people graciously—they did not even know she flew by. They just felt the wind on their faces and went confused for a second, then continued on with what they were doing.

Seren turned from street to street until she left the rowdiness of the Emporium. When she looked back, nobody was on her tail and she huffed. "Thank you, Kamir."

Kamir nodded. "...you are welcome..."

Seren wondered, now what? She needed to find shelter or else she was going to get butchered by the people here. She started to wander the streets at a normal pace when someone bumped on her shoulder.

But where am I going to find a place to stay? She had no money or any connections. She knew nothing about this realm. Plus, the merchants at the Emporium wanted to gobble her alive. Going back to the Koi estate was one of her options, but she doubted she would be able to leave their clutches again.

"Hey. You're supposed to apologize when you bump into someone."

Seren scowled. Not this again.

She ignored the person and kept walking.

A hand seized her arm. "I'm talking to you, you manner-less lunatic!"

Seren reacted fast. She twisted her wrist and grabbed a hold on the punk's arm, then she swung it around on a circular motion, putting the guy in an awkward position and in the verge of his shoulder being broken.

Seren scowled at his face in disgust.

The guy had red hair, similar to hers in color. Another person was there—probably a companion of his. She eyed the both of them.

He nodded to her face, "What? You wanna brawl?"

Seren let go of him then. She turned away from him and continued walking. "Tsk. Waste of my time."

"What'd you say? You woman dog!"

The other person snickered.

"Be quiet, Maki!"

Seren ignored the both of them and went on her way.

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