Remembering Old Memories

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Caroline's POV
     It's been 2 weeks and everything is great. Marcel had came over and talked with all of us. We had moved to the compound. Nik, Kol, Rebekah and Elijah had lived there, when they came to New Orleans. They had built the city, multiple times.

  I learned more of their time here, and it's amazing to hear it. Nik lights up when he is speaking about the city. It is a full moon tonight, when Vincent is able to give us our memories back.

   Right now, we are at the plantation house, at the pool relaxing.

   Five hours later, the sun went down. We all sat down on the patio, waiting for Vincent to get here. We were all talking.

Nik said, "Marcellus wants me to meet his girlfriend."

I said, " Girlfriend?"

Suddenly, I felt an over protectiveness of Marcel. It's just a gut feeling to feel this way. Kol said, " Easy, darling. You are starting to sound like an over protective mother."

I said, " I'm not his mother."

Rebekah said, " If you marry Nik, you will be."

We heard the doorbell ring, and Elijah went to get it. Soon, Elijah and Vincent came out onto the patio. Vincent said, " I am going to start with all of yous, and Caroline will be last, since she has the most memories to bring back."

Everyone nodded. He did the spell on Nik, then Bekah, Kat, Elijah, and Kol. They were all passed out on the couches and chairs. I was sitting beside Nik on the couch. Vincent came over, and put the herb mix on my head, and started chanting. Soon everything went black, and I am remembering everything.

I am in a large room ready for the party. Mikael, and I had arranged the whole thing. The dutch, and the duchesses, are at the door. The soldiers opened the doors, and they filled the ballroom. Mikael said, " Welcome! Everyone! We invited you here, so you all can meet us. Its a pleasure to meet everyone. We may be nobles, but we still care about what you need, and want. But, for now have some drinks, and fun."

Everyone clapped, and drank, and danced. Mikael came over to me, and said, " May I have this dance?"

I said, " Sure."

He held his hand out, and I took it. We danced to the music. It was a nice evening. Mikael was actually a decent man, and nice.

         I was on a walk through New Orleans, one of the few times Mikael let me go on my own. I seen people get off a horse and carriage. There is two girls, and three boys. Their backs looked familiar. They turned around, and I seen their faces. It's Niklaus, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah, also a girl I don't know, but she looks like Tatia.

   Niklaus and I locked eyes, and he looked speechless, and shocked. I couldn't speak. I was soon being crushed in a hug, by Rebekah. I said, " How are you alive? How are you here?"

Rebekah said, " We thought you were dead. Father told us."

I said, " Mikael told me all of yous were dead."

She smiled, and hugged me again. Once she let go, I was being crushed into another hug, this time by Kol, then Elijah. Niklaus just stood there, next to the girl that looks like Tatia. Elijah said, " I can't believe you are here, and alive."

I said, " I can't believe you are all alive."

I hugged Elijah, and Kol again. I had tears coming down my cheeks, I couldn't believe it. The girl said, " Sorry, but who are you?"

I said, " I'm Caroline. I have been friends with them since we were all human."

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