Salvatore Brother

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Caroline's POV
A thousand years later, and Mikael still keeps me under a tight leash. I am in Mystic Falls keeping an eye on a girl. Mikael is out of town. I can't leave because Mikael had a witch link us. So whatever happens to him, happens to me. He had a witch out the linking spell on us, after I ran away 800 years ago. He threatens to run the white oak stake through his heart, and kill me, I if I ever run away. For some reason, he won't do it. I begged him to kill me, but he wouldn't do it. Everyone I ever loved is dead.

   I have been in town for three years, keeping an eye on the girl. We have actually become friends. She is the doppelgänger of Tatia. She looks just like her. I've become Close with her other friends, Bonnie, and Matt. Anyway, today I start my first day of 12 grade. Yes, I know. I'm an Original Vampire, and I'm going to high school.

I woke up, and put on my blue skirt, with my white lace top, and my black heels. I walked downstairs, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. I did drink from the vein, but Mikael insisted we kept a low profile, so I got blood bags from the hospital. Mikael isn't all that bad, he's sort of nice. Sometimes, he has those moments where he lets his anger out, but never on me, mostly on his minions.

   I walked out of the house, and got in my blue Jaguar, and drove to school. We live in a little house, in town. I arrived at school, and got out of my car. A couple boys whistled at me. I walked into school, and to my locker. Bonnie, Elena, and Matt are standing there.

  I said, " Hey."

  I got my books out of my locker, and leaned against it. Bonnie said, " Who's that?"

  I looked and outside of the office is a guy. He has short blonde hair, green eyes, and broad shoulders. I looked at his physique, and he definitely had a good body. I shrugged and said, " I don't know."

   Elena said, " He's hot."

   We walked to class, with Dr. Saltzman, who is also Elena's legal guardian, since her parents, and her aunt had died.

After school, I drove to the grill to meet the girls. I arrived at the grill, and parked. I got out of my car, and walked into the grill. I seen Bonnie, and Elena in a booth, and I sat down beside Bonnie.

Matt is our waiter, and he came over, and took out orders. When Matt walked off, Bonnie said, " He likes you."

I said, " Who?"

Elena said, " Matt."

I said, " He's your ex, Elena. I wouldn't do that to my best friend."

Elena said, " Matt, and I did date, but we are friends. He likes you. You should go out with him."

I said, " I'm still not over my last boyfriend."

Bonnie said, " Come on, Care. No offense, but Klaus is dead. That happened like how many years ago."

I said, " I know, but my love for Klaus is different than any kind of love, I don't think I would ever feel that with anyone else."

Elena said, " Care. We know. You told us how you felt for him. I think it might be time to move on."

I sighed, and said, " I guess."

Matt came over with our food, and I said, " Hey, Matt. Would you like to go out with me?"

Matt smiled, and said, " Yeah, sure."

Matt looked at the entrance of the grill, and waved that cute guy from this morning over to us. The guy walked over to us, and Matt said, " Stefan, this is Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline. Girls this is Stefan Salvatore. He just moved here."

Stefan shook our hands, and I couldn't help but notice his ring on his finger. It's not any ring, it's a daylight ring. He's a vampire. I could also sense him being a vampire, earlier I couldn't because of him being so far away. I said, " I like your ring."

Stefan said, " Thanks. It's a family heirloom."

Elena said, " Its pretty. That stone looks like the one Care has."

Bonnie said, " Show him your ring."

I lifted my right hand, and Stefan looked at my ring. He said, " It is the same stone. Huh? What are the odds?"

I laughed and put my hand back on the table, and said, " It's weird."

Matt said, " Stefan, if you give me ten minutes, I'm going to be off, and we can go play some pool."

Stefan nodded. Bonnie said, " We can keep him company."

Matt said, " Alright. I have to get back to work."

Matt walked off, and Stefan sat beside Elena. Stefan said, " So, how long have you three known each other?"

   Bonnie said, " Elena and I grew up together. Caroline we had met three years ago, and have been friends ever since."

  Stefan nodded. I said, " So, Stefan tell us about you."

  Stefan said, " Well, I grew up in Mystic Falls, and had left for a couple years, but now I'm back. I have a brother, Damon, who is in town. Our parents died, and we have no other family. It's just Damon, and I. Nothing much else to say."

  Elena said, " Wait, Salvatore? Do you live in the old boarding house?"

  Stefan said, " Yeah."

  We nodded, and talked for a bit more.

  Matt had gotten off work, and they walked over to the pool tables. Elena, Bonnie, and I talked for a bit more, then joined the boys at the pool tables. We gotten to know Stefan more.

   It is nighttime, and we headed to our homes. I got in my car, and drove to my house. I got out of my car, only to be shoved against the side. It was Stefan pushing me against the side.

   I grabbed his arm, and broke it. I held him in a chokehold, and said, " I'm older, and stronger. Don't mess with me, baby vampire."

  I let him go, and he caught his breath. He said, " What are you doing in this town?"

  I said, " You mean, what am I doing with Elena, the doppelgänger. Trust me, I've heard of you and your brother. You both fell in love with the same girl, Kathrine Pierce. You were turned in 1864, and killed by your father. I know all about you. If you've lived as long as I, then you would know anything about anybody. Now, the real question is what are you doing here? Cause we all know it isn't because you wanted to come back to this small town."

   Stefan said, " Why should I tell you?"

  I said, " I know what it is. It's Elena. I know, you saved her from the accident, a year ago. I seen you pull her out of the water."

   Stefan didn't say anything, and just flashed away. I smirked, and went inside the house. I went upstairs, and got a shower. I put on my pjs, and laid down.  I touched the necklace around my neck. It's leather, and a piece of bark, with the initials 'N +C.' Niklaus had given it to me on one of our many dates. We were sitting by the lake, and he had carved it into a piece of bark, and gave it to me.

    I smiled, and soon fell asleep.

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