Blocked Memory

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Caroline's POV
   It has been a week, since we got here, and everything is good. I woke up, and Nik isn't in our bed, or our room. I got out of bed, and put on my king blue summer dress, with my tan wedges. I walked downstairs, and someone knocked on the front door. I opened it, and is surprised to see Stefan Salvatore standing there.

  I said, " Stefan."

  I stepped aside, and let him in. I closed the door, and said, " What are you doing here?"

He said, " I'm here to see Rebekah."

  I said, " She isn't here, right now."

  He nodded, and said, " I can come back later."

  I said, " No. you can stay. You want blood?"

  He nodded, and we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed two blood bags out, and handed him one, and I drank mine. He said, " I'm sorry for my part in killing you."

  I said, " I'm sorry for almost killing you, and your brother."

  We laughed. Rebekah, and Elijah walked into the kitchen. Rebekah said, " Stefan."

  Elijah said, " Caroline, may I speak with you?"

  I said, " Yeah."

   I followed Elijah to the parlor, and he sat down at the desk. I said, " So, what do you need?"

  He said, " Niklaus filled me in on what happened with Marcellus the day you got here."

  I nodded, and he continued, " Well, I thought about it, and my memory is a bit spotty as well for those years. My siblings also told me theirs is spotty, as well. It's like we are forgetting something."

  I said, " It could be nothing, and it's just a coincidence."

  He said, " Thats what Rebekah thought. I remember a witch one century that can block memories. So, I have a witch coming here, to see if that's the case."

  I nodded, and someone knocked on the front door. He said, " That should be him."

  We went to the foyer, and he opened the front door. He let the man in. The man said, " I thought I was helping originals, and you. Who is this?"

  I said, " I am an original."

  The man said, " You don't look like the sister."

  I said, " I'm Caroline, the prettier original."

  Rebekah said, " I heard that!"

  She stood beside me, and I said, " I know."

  She said, " I'm way prettier."

  I looked at her, and said, " No way. I am."

  She said, " No, I am."

  I said, " I am."

  We just kept arguing back and forth. A few minutes later, Nik, Kol, and Kat came in the front door. Kol said, " Why are they arguing?"

  I turned to him, and said, " Who's prettier? Beks or me?"

  Kat said, " Oh, god. You both are pretty, but I'm way prettier than either of you."

  Kat, Bekah, and I started arguing, now.

  Someone yelled, " Enough."

  We stopped, and it is Nik. Nik said, " Girls, stop. We have a guest."

  I said, " Alright."

  Elijah said, " Vincent, let's all sit in the living room, and talk."

  We all walked to the living room, and sat down. I said, " So, how do you tell if our memories are blocked?"

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