"Of course," Aaliyah says. They emerge fully out of her tent. "You're almost in the third trimester now, so you're going to be a lot more tired. I'm afraid the only thing you can do for that is to rest a lot." I scowl. I don't have time to rest. "Do you have any idea if they're human or not?" 

I pause, looking to Aaliyah. I never considered the fact that they may not be witches. I push that away for a later time. "It doesn't matter."

"It might." They look unsure. "I doubt the witches would accept human -"

My nails snap out. "Do you really want to finish that sentence?"

Aaliyah glances at me, then continues as if nothing has happened. "Other than that, you'll probably feel short of breath because the babies will be putting a lot of pressure on your lungs as they move. As they continue to grow, that'll stop." They pause. 


"Twin pregnancies aren't often carried full term, which can lead to... complications at birth," Aaliyah says. 

"Well, how long do I have?"

"The average is 35 weeks for humans, 33 weeks for witches."

"Why would I care about the human average?" I snarl, then take a breath. "Thank you. I'm going now."

"Of course, my queen." They bow as I walk away.

I arrive back at my tent, even more thoughts filling my head than before. As soon as I sit down, that persistent feeling is back. What am I missing?

I stay in my tent for the rest of the day, my ankles and feet swollen again. I'm drafting papers and letters, just like humans do, and it makes me feel weak and ridiculous. I wish I could just do everything with brute strength, but I'm pregnant and I have a kingdom to rule and everything is so much more complicated now.

I'm just about to give up when Petrah enters my tent. She doesn't bow but I don't care. "What?" I demand. 

"We just..." She pauses. "The witches that remained in Adarlan after you left have just arrived back. The King of Adarlan kicked them out, but a few of them remained to, er, spy."

"I didn't order them to do that," I say.

"I know, but -"

"What did they find?" I interrupt. 

"The King of Adarlan threatened war on the Witch Kingdom."

I scoff. Petrah, watching me closely, frowns. "Aren't you worried? He even called down the Queen of Terrasen."

"Of course not," I say. "He doesn't have the money or resources to wage war on us now, not without outside help, and there's no way the Queen of Terrasen will aid him over a broken heart." I stretch, then stand, walking over to my bed. "He's probably just pissed that I drugged him."

Petrah gapes at me, and I scowl. "How did you think I got away? It's fine. He'll be fine. When I go back, I'll just apologize to him like humans love. He'll be fine." It sounds fake, even though I know Dorian will forgive me. Maybe. 

"Wait, you're going back?"

"It doesn't matter." I sigh. "Was there anything else?" I ask. She shakes her head. "You can leave." She glares, but exits. I lie down. I may as well try to get some sleep."


HI peoples,

minor pause to say that this is gonna be an extra long one becuase i feel bad about not updating for ages.


"Manon." Rhiannon Crochan is before me. There's an urgent fear on her face, and though she's walking towards me, she's not getting any closer. 

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