They were the pale skin that she remembered having. But it all ended there, because for some reason, her flesh met metal, and her fingers were metal, complete with screws and do-hickeys and what-not.

Wait a minute...

Is this 'thing' attached to me??

Get it off!!

She panicked. Get it off! Get it off!

She caused a ruckus, her panic turning into a chaos. She slammed her metal wrist to the wooden drawer, making it tremor. The teacup above crashed to the ground beside her and broke.

Just as she reached for the broken cup piece, she faintly heard a door creak open and another glass shattering on the floor.

She had the metallic hand over the cup shard, but her fingers struggled to close around it. Stupid fingers! She wanted to rip them off. Am I turning into metal?? Well, shit.

She grew so frustrated that she crushed the teacup.

And then a pair of hands grabbed her from behind and pulled her back. Just as naturally, she swung around on the floor and connected her foot to the other person's gut.

The man hit the wall—the wall cracked behind him. He groaned in pain.

Her eyes began to widen. I can kick? The realization dawned on her. She brightened like the sun. I CAN KICK!

She had foot strength!!

Which means...

She stood up on shaky legs. She had on a crooked smile on her face like she had just gotten away with the craziest prank ever.

Yes... That's it! Function like you are supposed to, my beloved feet!

She tested herself by moving her left foot forward. She stumbled on the first try, but caught herself on the bed. When she tried her right foot, she did not do as badly.

On her fifth step, she could finally walk without falling.

She eyed the door deliciously.

The man on the wall reached out a hand to stop her. "No! Wait—!"

But she was already out the door before he could finish. She looked around. Where is this place?

She was standing in the middle of a long corridor. Her toes curled themselves on the red carpet underneath. It felt fuzzy on her skin—a weird sensation.

She looked at herself and realized that she was wearing a white gown that stopped on her knees. Though it almost seemed like a rather oversized shirt, or a sack for potatoes.

She shook her head. It was pointless to be thinking about such things. She was in an unknown territory. How did I get here again?

She ran as fast as she could while laughing hysterically. She felt carefree. Nobody was on her tail, and it was the best feeling ever. Maybe I kicked him too hard?

She turned at the next corner and crashed into someone. "Oof!" They both fell and rolled down a long set of stairs.

When they reached the landing, she massaged the back of her head. Owowow!

She made eye contact with the ginger-head. His eyes widened like he'd seen a ghost. "What is she doing here?!" he asked hurriedly at anyone.

Oops. Since she couldn't use her arms, she notched him on the nose with her foot. The unexpected action pivoted his head around as she made a run for it. See ya, sucker!

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