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Solise, Bix, and Meg ventured to the Vestibule of Arex, under the cover of darkness. They approached cautiously, Solise was still wary of beasts. She had not been able to piece together what could've given Teetan the impression that there was danger around on temple. Said he heard it from a trader. Someone who seemed shaken up. What did that to him? Maybe I didn't go far enough inside. Her thoughts were racing, as she led Meg to the site. Soon, they were on the ridge that Solise had earlier surveyed the temple from.

"What's this?" Meg asked.

"The first place I saw the Inquirer. Before the race was even announced." Solise informed.

The trio cautiously approached the Vestibule. Meg removed a small computer from her satchel. It scanned the area and showed no nearby lifeforms. No beasts around. Just like last time. Solise thought, as Meg tucked the device away. Indeed, there were no threats in their path. They reached the steps, without incident. The readied the weapons they had brought as they moved further inward. Solise had the collapsible hook she used on the track, Meg had her spear, and Bix had his father's blaster. Solise had warned them of potential danger, though she had not witnessed any herself.

They three of them reached the entryway and lingered for a moment. Meg took the time to examine the runes that were carved into some of the stones. She'd seen these before. The markings weren't dissimilar from the Inquirer's insignia. Yet, she felt as though she'd seen them even earlier than that. It was as if they'd always been in her head. Bix was busy staring into the darkness. He instantly felt the same sensation Solise had when she had first encountered the temple. That sense that there was some huge being living within had not passed. Solise could read it on his face. Her feelings were confirmed; there was something odd about this place.

"This place is crawling with energy." Meg said, after waving a thin baton around the temple walls.

"Energy?" Solise asked.

"This thing doesn't tell me what it is...could be electricity, fire, plasma...there's something in here." Meg clarified.

Solise took a deep breath and walked into the temple. Meg followed behind, while Bix took the rear. Each of the tree had brought lanterns with them that barely illuminated the small temple. Meg took noticed of the murals as they continued inward. Once more, she could not shake the feeling these were things she had seen before. Bix was too wrapped up in searching for danger to notice these things. He got frustrated being at the back, nearly bumping into the others while they took in the sights. He decided to move ahead and take the lead. Being the only one with a firearm, this was a welcome change. Better he shoots first and we finish off whatever makes it through. Solise thought, as the temple gradually expanded around them.

It was far deeper than Solise had expected. There was a large staircase that went so far down that it appeared endless in the dark. There was nothing in the way of a railing or anything protective on the way down. This was not a path for those unfamiliar with it. One wrong foot placement could lead to death. Solise returned to the lead as they moved into a single-file line. She attempted a few steps before one broke off and tumbled into the pit. The group waited for the sound of it hitting the ground...but it never came.

This prompted the three of them to secure ropes around the support pillars. The opposite ends were secured to their waistbands, to catch them if they fell. Only once they were certain they would be safe did they continue in their journey. Solise clipped her lantern to her belt and led the pack. The climb downward felt endless. A kind of pressure began to build, the further they descended. The putrid smell also intensified. It was if they were gradually lowering into a pool of the stench.

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