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The inspection tent was still occupied by the Rirgsilk, who was drunkenly napping on the floor. Suddenly, he was awoken by being yanked upward. His eyes took a minute to adjust and assess what was going on. He could see he was being lifted just off the ground by the figure in white robes. It took a moment for this to even register. The large inspector was not use to being picked up, let alone so effortlessly. His eyes took a moment to adjust as they stared into the glowing yellow lenses of the stranger's shifting mask.

"Inspector, so nice to meet you." The figure's deep voice boomed, amplified and slightly distorted through his mask

"Who are you?" These words were all that came to the inspector.

"Someone that is very upset...with you."

The stranger placed the Rirgsilk down but did not release his grip. He began to drag the inspector through the desert, with little effort. It wasn't long before the two of them were sitting in an observation booth, opposite the announcer's booth. The second race of the day hadn't started yet. The racers were still below the track, killing time until it started. The Rirgsilk took a moment to realize exactly where he was. He hadn't even seen the track before now. In fact, he had barely left his tent since he came to Raiyfe. His head was swimming as he tried to figure out why he was here. He was still half-asleep when the stranger brought him into the room.

The stranger was too busy mixing a drink to provide any answers. The Rirgsilk watched as the stranger unlatched the bottom half of his mask and downed the alcoholic beverage. It was so brief that the Rirgsilk couldn't gauge what kind of being the stranger was. All he saw was a brief flash of paper-white skin. Then, the mask was back on and his glass was discarded. The Rirgsilk studied his calculated movements as the stranger approached him. Upon reaching him, he motioned to a nearby lounge-seat.

"Take a seat." He commanded.

"What in Iroh's name is going on?" The inspector shouted.

With this, the stranger got closer. It was as if a hungry beast had lurched forward to snatch unsuspecting prey. These words, this outburst...it unleashed a frightening side of the stranger. Though the stranger was smaller in stature than the Rirgsilk, his intimidation play was affective. The inspector shrank at the motion and quickly sat down. To his surprise, the stranger sat right next to him and started staring down at the track. The Rirgsilk tried to inch away from the stranger but the stranger pulled him back into place. The sliver of fear that existed in the inspector had now grown to a full-blown dread. Nothing about this situation felt right.

"What are we doing here?" He sheepishly asked.

"You're the inspector, correct?" The stranger asked a question that he clearly already knew the answer to.

"I..." The Rirgsilk began, before the words left him and the stranger took over.

"Every single one of those vehicles came under your approval, that is correct?" The stranger said, as he pointed to the holographic leaderboard. "Including that Raiyfite?" With this, he turned toward the inspector.

The Rirgsilk could feel a piercing gaze beneath the mask. He opened his mouth to speak but the words were not there. He resorted to nodding in the affirmative.

"Is that a regulation vehicle? Seems a bit dangerous, wouldn't you say?"

"Do...do you work for the capitol? For Vawe?" The inspector eventually managed to ask.

"In a sense. Answer me this, why did you approve that craft?" The stranger steered away from the topic.

"She was...irritating. Wouldn't leave me alone." The inspector began. He could feel that piercing gaze cutting through to his very core. "I thought she'd be knocked out of the running immediately."

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