5|Risk and Reward

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Gromzi was the first stop on the journey for the day. The train got them there in a fraction of the time that it would've taken to walk. The cost was inconsequential to Bix while he was on his mission. The money had actually been worth it. The paid train was truly superior to the short-range one. Windows, individual seating, private seating, and a dining car that was covered with ticket price. They were cleaner than anything else on Raiyfe, nearly pure-white. Unsurprisingly, the sight of two people so young on the train drew looks. The others that were there seemed to be affluent visitors. Solise overheard many instances of "those Raiyfites" when they walked by. She did her best to ignore the eyes on them. Bix didn't seem to notice.

When they arrived in the city, they were stunned to see a thriving metropolis. They had both been to Gromzi before...but it didn't look like this. The once grimy, gloomy, and slimy sprawl of buildings had been touched up to be just as shiny and modern as Vawe was making everything else on the planet. They had somehow even managed to rid the city of its manure-like stench that wafted in from the sea. Though Bix knew the exact path he had to take, the new look of everything threw him for a loop. By the time they had located the auto trader, they were desperately hungry. They hadn't eaten much more than crackers and cheese made from zozmor milk.

The two friends stopped by a street vendor selling kabobs made of strange creatures and vegetables that were not native to Raiyfe. Their hunger took precedence over discovering what it was they were eating. The taste was so savory and well-seasoned that they didn't particularly care either way. The ate three each and downed it with water purer than anything they'd ever had before in the city. Then, it was time for the trader. It was a small warehouse that was still quite rusted out on the inside, despite its shiny new exterior. There were hundreds of different crafts, ranging from tiny personal cruisers to large bus-like ships. They were all in fairly beat up condition. It wasn't common for a pristine craft to come to a place like Raiyfe.

Solise could hardly contain herself. She was rushing down every aisle, examining each craft with a childlike wonder that hadn't been in her life for some time. It was the thrill she got when she found a really unique trinket in her scavenging. It wasn't even the thought of walking away with a craft of her own that sparked this feeling; it was simply the joy of being surrounded by all these new sights with her best friend at her side. Bix himself was marveling at the specific ships he was able to recognize by name. Two Vawe speed-needles, a mid-size Caldenian cruiser, several one-person Zofrenian mining speeders: it was almost too much to handle. He had only read of these ships in his father's log books, he never even dreamed of seeing them in person.

They definitely hadn't been there before the Vawe overhaul. The changes the atmospheric conditions allowed the sands to shift in the ship grave yard that lay between Gromzi and Xanzi outpost. There were thousands of new finds being discovered every day. Once struggling traders were now swimming in both inventory and customers. That was the case for Forgmil of Raiyfe; founder and operator of this particular trader. He was a Yoglo, a large biped with dark green skin and purple eyes. He towered over Bix, forcing those violet irises to be pointed down at him. Bix had never met this merchant before but he was apparently a contact of his father. His name had been written down in a contact book Bix found in his father's belongings. Bix had gone to deal with him while Solise wandered around the warehouse.

"What's a youngblood like you doing around here?" Forgmil's voice boomed like a canon.

Bix couldn't help but lose a bit of the confidence he had the night prior. "Looking to buy a craft. Something racing worthy." He managed to mumble.

"Speak up, boy! I'm old!" The Yoglo bellowed.

Bix straightened up and repeated himself before adding: "We have a wealth of credits and you and I have a mutual connection. I would like to do business."

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