9|Watch Out

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It was late in the evening when Solise and Bix were reunited. He was her plus one to a gala that was being hosted within the complex. They had been led into the large banquet hall that was attached to the balcony. The two of them were dressed in formal clothes that had been lent to Bix by his mother. Bix wore his father's proper wear while Solise wore one of Xiabi's dresses. Though it fit her well, instinct told her to tear it off. She was not used to something like this. She hadn't wanted to come to the event but Bix reminded her that it was a free meal.

Xiabi was overjoyed to lend the apparel to her. It had been ages since she had any cause to wear it. The hand off was the longest conversation Solise ever had with her. She expressed her concern over Solise's safety before congratulating her on her success so far. Her maternal nature was something that always struck Solise in an odd way. This kind of parental alarm and affection was so foreign to her after years on her own. Yet, this time it was comforting. It provided just enough of an inspiration to actually get in the dress. Xiabi's excited reaction to the change fueled her to move further and head for the event.

This push of confidence and drive faded by the time her and Bix reached the complex. She almost ran away the second that the royal guards opened the doors into the hall. Her adrenaline was still pumping from her earlier victory. She could've run back to her hut in an instant with the extra energy. Bix's company kept her rooted where she was. He was the only person who she would suffer through something like this with. Despite her sour mood, the evening started pleasantly. The two friends were handed tall glasses of the finest (and most alcoholic) champagne that Vawe had to offer. A single sip sent Solise's head into the stratosphere.

This aided in easing her up as the night progressed. Her and Bix watched, from afar, as the racers mingled with one another. She was not interested in the social element of the evening. Her earlier encounters with Galene and Meg had already shown her to be wary of her competition. This was an extension of her natural survival instincts. After all, these people could easily leave her like those remains she saw carted off the field and not think twice about it. She wasn't overly eager to connect with those who wanted her dead. She had noticed Galene staring her down from the moment he entered.

"Poor baby, not used to second place. Is he?" Meg said, as she appeared behind the two of them.

"That was amazing work out there." Solise complimented her first-place victory.

"Didn't think you'd come to something like this." Meg said, as Solise noticed she was dressed in an elegant purple cloak for the evening.

"Free food." Solise informed her.

Meg smiled at this. "Someone of my own heart." Then, she turned her attention to Bix and introduced herself. "Meg. Just Meg."

"I am Bix of Raiyfe. Congratulations on your victory today. That was really something." He replied.

"Oh yeah? You were there today?" Meg asked.

"Nearby." Bix informed her.

"My passes to the race seem to have gotten lost...before I ever got them." Solise informed her.

"Typical." Meg said, as she reached into her cloak.

She pulled out a lanyard with a shiny card at the end of it. The palace insignia was on one side with a serial number on the other. She placed it on the table and slid it toward Bix, with a smirk. He immediately accepted it, as if it were a scrap of food thrown to a dying citizen. Meg discarded it from her own possession as if it were nothing. Solise got the impression that Mag didn't have people in the stands, cheering her on. She certainly didn't have any guests with her at this gala. Matter of fact, Solise hadn't seen her until she approached them because Meg was hiding in the shadows, watching from afar. Hardly a social activity, waiting in the dark. She thought, as she looked at the mysterious racer.

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