Hogwarts House Sorting

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Hope Molly Lupin-The eldest Sibling

"I swear to you darling, when I get the letter off your father, and read either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw, I am going to be absolutely ellated no matter which one it is" Caitlin reassured with a small laugh as she rubbed an 11 year old Hope's arm soothingly and Remus chuckled fondly above the two, watching his daughter have a mini meltdown.

"Not if I'm sorted into Slytherin though mum!" Hope exclaimed with wide eyes, shaking her head and huffing loudly as if her mother was being absolutely idiotic.

"A Slytherin whose A werewolf" she whispered again, looking around cautiously to make sure know one could hear, "That's just asking for trouble"

"You need to chill sis" Reggie smirked next to his dad, both with beautiful blue eyes and sandy brown hair, "It's not the end of the world"

"You're just saying that because you know your going to get into Gryffindor!" Hope scoffed with an eye roll as she focused back on her mother who was trying her hardest not to smirk at her daughter's over reaction.

People were boarding the Hogwarts express and the final whistle blew as Remus let out a clear of his throat and nodded for Hope to hurry up.

Reggie was only 10 so he hadn't received his letter yet and Freya was much too young, it was Hope's first year at Hogwarts and Remus' 6th year teaching again after the battle.

"Darling, we need to go" Remus sighed as Hope practically pulled her hair out, she had always been the drama queen of the family.

"Fine" she huffed, picking up her suitcase and allowing her mother to wrap her in a tight hug.

"You'll be fine" she whispered into her daughters hair with a small chuckle as Hope once again rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Bye Bye Hopey!!" Freya giggled, wrapping her little toddler arms around her big sisters legs and receiving a big chuckle from all of them.

"Bye Freya" Hope laughed, kissing her little sister on the head and sending an awkward nod to her brother who sent the same back before boarding the train.

"Want to throw up Regulus?" Remus smirked as he walked over to Caitlin and his son pulled his eye brows into a frown.

"No not really?" He stated in confusion.

"Well I suggest you go find Padfoot whilst I say goodbye to your mother" he chuckled, scruffing the boys hair playfully as he let out a disgusted groan and jogged off to find his Uncle with his little sister.

"She's going to be fine right?" Caitlin asked nervously as she watched Hope take a seat on the train and play with her pet owl in his cage.

"She'll be fine love" Remus sighed, cupping her cheeks and watching as she closed her eyes with a small sigh.

"Not a year went by when something bad didn't happen at that school" she huffed, looking up at him in concern and stress, "Me and George used to place best on which way Harry was going to nearly get himself killed at the start of the year"

"Things have changed now, I've been there for six years and nothing bad has happened at all...I swear to you she will be fine" he state honestly and clearly as he pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead and ran his thumb against her cheekbone.

"Make sure your both safe on Full moons okay, Pads is going to apparate each month and join you both" she insisted.

"Darling we've been through this before, I know the drill, stop stressing" He chuckled back, wrapping her up in a tight embrace as she let out a small sigh and nodded against his shirt.

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