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It was slowly entering it's way into December and the grounds of Hogwarts had an elegant blanket of glistening white covering it as it stood majestically in the fields on Scotland.

It was peaceful. Serene even. The forest animals had gone into hibernation and the whomping willow shook every five minutes to rid the white coat it wore.

The sun beamed down causing a glisten like no other but the gentle rays were not strong enough to penetrate the frozen air around, failing to melt the snow that covered the estate.

Yet not so peaceful,however, was the defence against the dark arts classroom, all chattering away on a Friday afternoon discussing their plans for the weekend.

" So 1 o clock then?" Liv nodded with raised eyebrows as Caitlin tried to scribble down the notes on the board quickly and nodded her head rapidly in agreement.

"Yeah" she mumbled, her eyes shooting from her paper to the chalkboard rapidly so she could continue her conversation.

"You know, you'd think considering your sleeping with the teacher, that you'd be a little more laid back in the lesson" Liv whispered teasingly, dropping her head down gently so only she could hear.

"Yeah You'd think wouldn't you" she scoffed with a shake of her head, "But nope, he is a bit of an arse when it comes the actually school work"

"Um..." Liv's eyes widened slightly as she nudged her arm and nodded with a slight wince to the side of them.

Caitlin slowly let her eyes flicker shut in regret as she felt a present stood next to her, screwing her eyes up slightly she slowly turned her head to the pair of long legs stood next to her desk, hands shoved in his pockets as she let her eyes travel all the way up with a sheepish smile.

"Did I mention you look really handsome today?" She tried sweetly, as Remus arched a brow in sternness and shook his head in fake disappointment, clicking his tongue as he slowly walked back to his desk.

"Didn't realise an arse could be" he mumbled over his shoulder with a smirk as her faked sweetness dropped and she let out a huff, rolling her eyes at his back.

"Hey Kingsley!" Oliver Wood called from the other side of desks, across the isle as she lifted her from her page and sent him a small smile.


"What you doing this weekend?" He asked curiously, brows furrowed gently as he rested the side of his head in his palm.

Remus, who was flicking through the prospectus for the year, lifted his head with slightly raised eyebrows and looked between the two as they conversed.

"Hogsmead weekend isn't it?" She nodded in thought, "Just meeting everyone in the three broomsticks"

"Yep! Gonna get plastered" Liv grinned, sending a subtle wink to Remus who had willingly helped her progress her alcohol addiction, he shook his head fondly with a chuckle and looked back down at his work, his ears slightly pricked up in curiosity as he continued to tune in on Caitlin's conversation.

"Why do you ask, Wood?" Caitlin called across as Oliver shrugged and jumped up from his seat, dropping down into the one next to her that always seemed to be empty.

Slinging an arm over her shoulder, a confidence over came him and Caitlin's eyebrows raised at the sudden act, looking between him and his arm in shock and slight offence.

She turned her head to Remus with an amused look, taken back by the Gryffindor's captains action and assuming he would find it entertaining too but much to her luck, he most certainly did not.

Complicated Vol.2 (One shots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt