Chapter 61: Away

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        It was another recording day for the guys, except this time, I was opting out. Zack was awake around nine, voice soft in my ear as he faced me, asking if I was tagging along today. I turned to him, seeing that he was already out of bed, crouching down at the side of the bed near where my head was resting.

        "I think I'm going to skip today," I said softly, one hand reaching out to grab his hand that was resting on the comforter. "I was going to try talking to Craig."

        "Okay," he nodded, leaning forward to press his mouth to mine for a moment before pulling away again. I smiled, looking contently into his eyes.

        "We'll be there all day, so feel free to stop by any time, if you feel like it," He offered.

        "I don't know how everything's going to go today. I'm not even sure if he'll be home, but if I can stop by for a little, I will," I said, and Zack nodded, head moving forward again. He pressed his lips lightly to my forehead, mouth brushing slightly against my skin as he whispered, "bye", as he pulled away again.

        "Bye, I love you," I smiled, watching as the soft smile on his lips grew as he straightened up.

        "I love you too, Laur," he grinned, holding my gaze for a few more moments before he turned, heading out of the bedroom. As he shut the door behind him, I rolled onto my back, pushing myself up so I was sitting. I ran a hand through my hair before pushing the blankets back with my legs, sliding to one side of the bed.

        I wanted to call Craig to tell him I wanted to stop by to talk, but it was only nine, and I figured if he was home, then he'd still be sleeping. I chose to take a shower first, trying to take my time, knowing that having nothing to do would only raise my nerves.

        When I was out of the shower, I changed into a simple pair of short jean shorts, and a tank top, leaving my phone in the bedroom to find something to eat. I wasn't too hungry, never being one to eat breakfast, so after finishing off an apple, I figured I'd waited long enough.

        I retrieved my phone, dialing Craig's number. I chewed on my lip as it rang, expecting it to go to voicemail if he didn't answer, and after a few rings, it stopped. I sighed, pulling the phone away from my ear. I had called him three times yesterday, and texted him, leaving him a message and a voicemail asking if we could talk. At this point, I knew he was avoiding me.

        I turned back out of the kitchen, grabbing my bag from the counter before leaving the apartment. I was sick of him ignoring me. I wanted to talk to him, and I couldn't keep waiting for him, so I drove down to my apartment. Seeing that his car wasn't in the parking lot, I pulled into a spot, leaving the car idling as I thought. I could leave, and just keep calling, or I could wait inside for him. I still had my key, so getting it wasn't a problem.

        After a minute, I pulled my keys from the ignition, sliding my bag over my arm as I pushed the car door open. I wasn't sure why I was determined to talk to Craig. I guess part of me was just tired of waiting around for him, tired ot waiting until he was ready. This was going to happen on my time, not his, for once.

        I got up to the apartment, eyes taking in the sight I barely saw anymore. It seemed to grow messier as time went on, more dishes piled up in the sink than usual and random articles of clothing on various pieces of furniture. It was typical of him to leave everything a mess.

        I slid into one of the barstools, setting my purse beside a pile of bills. Old and unpaid, I was sure of. Craig had little responsibility, and it was usually up to me to clean up and pay bills.

        Sighing and glancing around me, I started tapping my finernails on the counter, thoughts racing of what to do. I could end up waiting here all day until Craig came back, depending on if he was at work or out with friends. I turned back to my bag and pulled out my phone, calling Craig again. With another no answer, I dropped the device into my bag, running a hand through my hair, spinning idly on the chair.

        I was already expecting to be waiting in the apartment all day, but luckily for me, a half hour later, there was a sound of keys turning the lock from outside. I swallowed, rubbing my palms against my shorts, eyes on the door as it pushed open. I let my eyes go immediately to Craig's when they came into view, his figure stopping in the doorway when he noticed me.

        "Lauren, what are you doing here?" he asked after a moment, politely, but too formally. He shut the door behind him as I stood up, moving around the counter. He was still angry, but choosing not to show it, and that only infuriated me. I couldn't understand why he would still be this upset after so long.

        "We need to talk, and you've been avoiding me," I said firmly, keeping my eyes steady, feeling much braver with him than normal.

        "Okay, then talk," he muttered, brushing past me, heading for his room. I followed, feeling a mix of emotions. I was angry at his apathy and still nervous at how this would turn out.

        "No, we," I said, emphasizing the word, "are going to talk, not just me."

        "Fine, whatever," he brushed past me again, bringing anger to the front line.

        "I'm moving out," I spat at him, watching as he stopped short and spun to face me. I watched him, trying to hide satisfaction that I'd finally gained his full attention.

        "You're going to live with him?" He said, his words sounded venomous now, but at least it was something besides the nonchalant, almost uncaring tone he'd just had.

        "Yeah," I said softly. "And I wanted to tell you in person, instead of just packing up and disappearing." I lowered my voice, still wanting to avoid any kind of fight. That wasn't what I'd come here for.

        "Why? Isn't that what you're good at?" he wondered, eyes narrowing slightly. I stared at him in wonder, mouth moving without a sound coming out as I tried to find something to say. It had been weeks since everything happened, but he was still holding a grudge. The hate he was showing towards me was making it hard for me to try and stand my ground.

        "Craig," I said quietly, mind still frozen in shock. He rolled his eyes, still adding to the confusion and hurt I was feeling. I felt tears starting to prick at the corner of my eyes, and I did my best to blink them away.

        "Well, you told me, okay? You don't need to stick around," he said, eyes glancing over my head at the door. "I'm not stopping you..."

        "Craig, stop!" I interrupted, surprised at the volume and power of my voice. "Just stop! I'm sick of this! Why -- why are you still holding this against me? Zack forgave me, he got over it. I didn't even lie to him! I don't see why you can't either!"

        Craig stared at me, silent. After a few moments of silence, I rolled my eyes, figuring now was a good time to give up. I sighed, throwing my hands up as I spoke. "Fine Craig, fine, if you really want to be this immature about it, I'm done. I thought our friendship would mean a little more to you than this, but I guess now, I'll be back at some point to get the rest of my stuff."

        I turned on my heel, walking quickly from my bedroom. I ran my hands through my hair as I walked, feeling my cheeks grow damp as tears started to leak out of my eyes. Deep down inside, I was hoping, as I reached for my purse, to hear Craig behind me, asking me to wait and say he was sorry. I even hesitated at the door, glancing over my shoulder, but he wasn't in sight.

        Wiping under my eyes, I pulled the apartment door open, my bag slipping off my shoulder as I slammed it shut, hearing it close behind me as I rushed away from the building, away from my home for the last six years, and away from Craig.

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