Chapter 13: Running

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        Friday was one of the first days I didn't have anything to do. I wasn't working and I barely had any homework to get done, which I could easily finish in the afternoon. The weather had predicted a warm day, but with winds that would make it a little cooler. After waking up and lounging around the apartment, empty without Craig around, I decided that I wanted to go out and do something. I changed into running clothes, choosing to do one of the few things I actually enjoyed doing by myself.

        I drove down to the beach, seeing the fair amount of people out in the sand already. The area towards my right was much more crowded, with families and blankets and umbrellas all over the place. I couldn't understand why, with this much space, everyone was so grouped together. I headed to the left, where there were fewer people, probably because it got rockier the further you went.        

        I didn't mind though, since it meant I could run by the water and not have to dodge as many people. Most of the people in my direction were older, hanging out in groups or trying to surf. I was sure in a few more hours it'd get busier, with people moving down along the beach to claim their spot, but I would be gone by then.

        I fit my headphones into my ears, turning up the volume on my iPod as I walked towards the edge of the water. I started jogging, finding my pace. I didn't know how long I'd stay out, since I could feel myself growing warmer, but it was nice, just focusing on my breathing and pace.

         When I decided to turn around, I paused for a moment, taking a few deep breaths and checking how long I'd been running for. It'd been just over thirty minutes, so when I got back to where I started it would be just about an hour, which was long enough for me.

        I started back, ignoring the people around me and staring straight ahead, searching for the umbrella I'd marked as my starting spot. I hadn't been running for long when I passed a group of people, hanging out in the sand and water. I went to move around them when someone in the water to my left threw a football, unaware of my presence.        

        It flew past my face and I faltered, barely hearing an apology over my music and some of the guys yelling. I took a moment to turn to them, wanting to see who'd thrown it. I didn't get a chance to see their faces because my next step sent me down to the ground as I collided with someone carrying a surfboard.

        My headphones were yanked from my ears as I stuck out my hand to break my fall. My iPod fell and landed in the sand. I landed on the person I'd run into, the surfboard lying next to us.

        "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I rushed, trying to stand up quickly to get off him. I reached for his surfboard as he stood up, grabbing my iPod.

        "My fault, I didn't see you running," he said, laughing lightly. I froze with the surfboard tightly in my grip. It may have been about five years, but there's no way I could forget that voice.

        "Well, I didn't see you either. Here," I said, pushing the board towards him.

        "Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything, are you?" he asked since my head was angled down, trying to avoide his gaze.

        "Hey man, are you coming or what?" someone yelled from the water, and as a reflex, we both looked. Rian and Jack were standing in the water, waves crashing around their ankles. I met their gaze before turning and looking the other way. Alex and Stella were watching me. I wasn't sure if Rian and Jack remembered me, but Alex and Stella knew.

        "Here, this is yours, I think," he said, and I looked at his hand that was holding my iPod, and then up at his face, catching his gaze for the first time in so long.

        My heart was racing, but not from running. I honestly couldn't believe this was happening. After hanging out with Stella, which was ricky in itself, the first time I saw Zack was simply my fault because I'd literally run into him. It felt cliché that it would happen this way, and my mind was drawing a blank. I had no clue what to do.

        "Thanks," I said meekly, my voice barely coming out as a whisper. I lifted my hand, hating that it was shaking, as I clutched my iPod. Zack still hadn't said anything, and I tried to imagine what he was thinking. He didn't look angry, but he could've been hiding it. He probably hated me, and he didn't think he'd ever see me again and now that he had, he was speechless because everything he felt about me was coming back.

        Thoughts were racing through my brain and I could barely focus on one for more than a second. It felt like an hour had gone by standing in front of Zack, and I coudln't get my feet to work. When Zack finally did say something, it was probably only a few seconds later.

        And all he said was my name, "Lauren?" like he couldn't beleive that he was seeing me again, that I was standing in front of him after all these years.

        "Yeah," I muttered, stumbling over my words. "I'm going to -- uh, bye." I caught Stella's eyes for the quickest moment, and I could see the shock mixed with sympathy on her face.

        Zack was saying something, but I wasn't listening enough to understand them. I looked away from Stella and glanced at Zack momentarily before moving around him, breaking into a run without bothering to put my iPod back in. I just wanted to get away, honestly. Even with the sounds of the water, and people around me, I could still hear Zack calling to me, asking me to wait, but I kept running, feeling my chest pinch up at his voice calling my name.

        My heart might have been racing uncontrollably, but I didn't want to stop until I was far enough away. I couldn't stop running. It was like the story of my life, running. I'd run from Zack once, disappeared to California where I was sure I'd never run into him ever again. I was running from him now, out of fear of what would happen if I didn't.

        When I saw the umbrella that I'd started at, I curved up the beach and headed back to my car. When I reached it, I collapsed into the seat, leaning my head back, breathing heavily. It was like a rush of memories and feelings from Maryland came flying full force at me, crashing on me like a boulder.

        I didn't know what was going to happen now. Zack knew  I was here in California. I didn't know what would happen next, if he'd talk to Stella or the guys about it. He probably would, and I wondered if he could find out that Stella and Alex knew I was here, and that I'd been hanging out with Stella. I didn't know how he'd feel about that, but I didn't want any problems between them.

        I just wanted to go away from the beach now, go back to my apartment and try not to think about Zack, although I felt it might be nearly impossible, so I turned my car on and started towards my apartment, escaping from everyone once again.

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