Chapter 51: Angry (Zack's POV)

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        I bit into the green apple in my grip, twirling my fingers around it while leaning against the side of my counter. Light poured through the window above the ink, but I was sure to stand away from it, already hot from my jog. I needed to burn off some steam.

        I crossed one arm over my chest, the other dangling the fruit centimeters from my lips. It was strange for me to be as angry as I was, I usualy didn't care that much about girls in general. I mean, I respect the ones I'm with and had fun with, but they never bothered me as much as this did. It felt like high schol all over again, being pissed off at everything, including Lauren.

        Why couldn't she have just fucking told me the truth about everything that was going on? Why the fuck did she have to lie to me like that? Was I that much of a jerk that she thought I would've freaked out and told her off? I didn't overreact that much, did I?

        I let out a sigh, feeling the burning in my throat for something to drink. I picked myself off of the granite, pulling open the refrigerator before grabbing a water off the top shelf, sticking the top of the container in my mouth to twist off the cap with my teeth.

        I'm still not sure what to think of the whole thing. In high school, it was a rare occasion when Lauren wanted to even kiss in public. But it was something I liked about her, she was different than all the other girls that Alex or Jack set me up with. I had to work for the attention I got, but here she was, giving away everything to that arrogant douche bag.

        My front door wiggled while I glanced down the hallway in front of me that led to it, and I knew who it was. Before I could call out and ask, Stella was stumbling through the doorway, hand connected with the knob. She let out a small huff of air, aggravated it seemed to put up a fight.

        "I hate that damn thing sometimes," she muttered, shaking her head. I raised my eyebrows when she finally looked up, giving me a smile. "Hey."

        "Hi," I said, cap still in my mouth. I lifted my hand awkwardly before takint it out and drinking a long sip of water. Stella glanced at my attire, knowing that I'd opted of going to the studio that day. Most of my parts were recorded for the song we were working on; Alex was fixing the vocals right now.

        "How was your run?" She assumed while closing the door. It was probably because of my running shorts, sneakers and bare chest. I shrugged, wishing I could've run longer. I knew I had to sit down and pay those stupid bills for the month, so I had to cut it short. I could've run forever and felt no relief. I couldn't shake this.

        "Alright, how were your lessons?" I was skeptical, unsure of her intentons. Sure, Stella stopped by alone, but it was always with a purpose. And now, I wasn't exactly sure what it was.

        "Good, one of the kids is performing for his parents tomorrow. It'll be nice," she said happily, wandering into the kitchen. She set her bag down on the black counter, leaning against it.

        "Don't take this the wrong way, Stell, but why're you here?" I asked, taking another bite of apple. I was still irriated, and just wanted to get things done. I guess I've been a little distracted these last few months to really sit down and get things done.

        As pissed as I was, I didn't regret this summer. I didn't want to take back anything because I got the second chance I wanted when she left the first time. I always wondered in the back of my mind what it'd be like if I saw her again, and I got that. I was content with it, even if I was pissed at the way it turned out.

        "Haven't really talked to you in a while," she shrugged, using her hands to lift herself onto the counter. I blinked my eyes vigorously, mind flashing to Lauren doing the same thing. The way she crossed her legs and pulled her hair back was the exact same.

        Jesus Christ, I didn't think it would burn the way it does to think of her.

        "If you're here to talk about Lauren, you're out of your fucking mind," I mumbled, placing my water next to the sink. That was the only reason I could come up with. Stella froze at my words, eyes meeting mine.

        "She's mierable," She ignored my comment, mouth turned down. I could've expected that, she never dropped a subject that she wanted to talk about.

        "She's the one that lied," I said through my teeth, replaying that night in my mind. She lied to me, and even if I hated Craig, she lied to him too. He was supposed to be her best friend, and I was supposed to be -- whatever the hell I was.

        "She was stuck in such a hard position, you have to understand that," Stella said, voice begging. I shook my head at her, reaching for my water again.

        "You should be happy that I'm still talking to you. You knew and didn't say a word," I warned, fingers curling to the plastic. I knew the second she came back after Lauren's graduation and wasn't upset the least. There was no way someone would've reacted like that if they knew her and found out what she did. She had to have known.

        "It wasn't my place to talk about her sex life, Zack," I cringed at the word, thinking about Lauren and that idea made me sick to my fucking stomach. "She didn't know how to tell you, but I knew that she didn't like doing it."

        "Apparently she didn't mind too much if she didn't tell me," I snapped. I couldn't understand whys he was taking her side. I knew that Lauren and she were close, but Stella was my fucking sister. She was supposed to defend me.

        "Because Craig hates you and you hate Craig. Neither of you made this easy before she left the first time. She couldn't be honest with either of you beacuse you both meant so much to her. She didn't want to lose either of you, and she thought she could keep both of you. She wasn't lying to be a bitch. She was lying because she couldn't talk to either of you about it."

        "Why the fuck couldn't she talk to me about it?" My vein's felt like they were boiling, furious with Stella's constant justification of Lauren's actions.

        "Do you think she wanted to have that conversation with you, Zack? You weren't just another guy to her. You were the guy she fell in love with in high school," Stella shot back, fingers gripping the edge of the counter. "She wanted to make you happy by being the same Lauren you remembered, and not have you be completely disgusted with her. I guess she got what she was terrified of most anyway."

        "Maybe if it wasn't with that conceited prick," I trailed off, gritting my teeth. Maybe it wouldn't have mattered if it wasn't Craig, but it was, and it made it so much worse."

        "You can't do anything about what happened. He was there when you weren't. He saved her from Maryland, and she loves him in a way that I don't think any of us will ever understand."

        "Then why the fuck are you here when she loves him? He'll move back in and they'll live happily ever fucking after," I didn't think it would bother mea s much as it does to hear Stella say that, but it pissed me off more. I absolutely despised the fact that he was there for her when I couldn't be -- when I wasn't allowed to be. I hated that she let me go without a second thought but was still holding onto that asshole because she still cares.

        If Stella was really only here to make me more pissed off, she was succeeding.

        "Because she loves you more," she said quietly, eyes mever leaving mine. "She wants you and she knows she messed up. She doesn't think she deserves anything, Zack. She thinks you're better off without her, but I don't think so."

        "And how are you so fucking sure about that?" I snapped, arms crossing over my chest tightly. She tilted her head to the side, a small smile forming on her lip.

        "Because. I know you love her too."

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