Chapter 40: Tension

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        "Have a nice day," I said, forcing a smile to my lips. The lady smiled, taking her drink and disappearing from the shop. Once the door shut, I was alone again, having only the muffled sound from outside and the soft music playing through the radio to keep me company.

        I sighed, reaching under the counter for a rag, wiping down the counter mindlessly as something to do. I had only twenty minutes before I was off for the night. I planned to go home and change, relaxing for a bit before going to Stella's. It was Kara's last day in Los Angeles, and I'd promised to spend the afternoon with everyone before she left tonight.

        Fifteen more minutes. I really hoped whoever was on shift wasn't late. I wasn't even suppose to be working this morning, but Alyssa called in 'sick' and I was apparently the only one left to fill in

        Ten minutes left. I dropped the rag back under the counter, leaning forward to rest my elbows on the granite. I rested my head in my hands for a moment, eyes following people who walked past, before I picked out, letting my forearms drop down against the counter.

        My eyes wandered to the door as somebody pushed it open. I watched my co-worker walk in, ten minutes early.        

        "Less traffic than I thought," he muttered, his feet dragging as he walked behind the counter. It looked like he'd just rolled out of bed, changed and come to work. "You can head out."

        "Thanks," I smiled, punching out before leaving quickly. I fixed my hair as I walked, adjusting it in the bun I'd had it in all day. It was better than having hair stick to your neck from the shop when the air condtioner decided it wasn't going to work properly. Today was one of those days, and it was much warmer than I'd liked.

        The first thing I did when I got back to my apartment was trade my black pants and shirt for a t-shirt and shorts, only slightly cooler. The air conditioner wasn't turned on high, but it brought the cost down to keep it lower, and it wasn' tlike I spent a lot of time here anyway. I was either at school, work, or somewhere with Zack or Stella. I could survive the hour or so I'd be spending here before I left. After that, it wouldn't be as bad as the temperature dropped a few degrees with the sun.

        I grabbed a water bottle form the fridge and then collapsed onto the couch, shutting my eyes from the sun shining through my windows. I was enjoying the sun shining through my windows. I was enjoying the silence, working to rid myself of the headache I'd recieved working this morning, when my phone went off at my side, vibrating against my leg where I'd dropped it from my hand.

        I opened one eye as I grabbed it, looking at who the message was from before opening both eyes, automatically eager to open it.

        What time are you coming? Zack was asking. I unocked my phone, answering him quickly.

        In an hour or so. I just got out of work.

        I closed my eyes for a few seconds before my phone went off again. I let it vibrate, waiting until it stopped before reading the message.

        Want me to pick you up?

        Sure (:

        I placed my phone at my side again; lifting my water bottle to my lips before reaching out to set it on my table. I shut my eyes, breathing deeply, feeling better now that my headache had subsided. I was much more tired than I'd imagined, and resting my eyes turned into me falling asleep.

        I was woken by the sound of my apartment door opening. My eyes flew open quickly, heart pounding before Zack's figure appeared in the doorway. I leaned my head back down onto the couch, breathing deeply.

        "My neighbors really need to stop letting you in," I muttered, listening to him walk over. He chuckled, squatting down my by face. I turned my head towards him, smiling.

        "Were you asleep?" he asked, hands resting on the edge by my arm. "You weren't answering your phone or buzzing me in."

        "Yeah, I was," I answered. "Sorry," I pushed myself up into a sitting position, crossing my legs and turning so I was facing him.

        "It's fine," he smiled, moving his head forward to press his lips against mine. His hands moved forward, towards the back of the couch as he leaned forward. I lifted my hands, letting them fall against the back of his neck, pulling him closer as I leaned back into the couch. I felt him smile as he hovered over me and pulled back, his forehead resting against mine.

        "You ready to go?" he asked softly. I nodded slightly, and he straightened up, holding his hands out for me to take. He pulled me up easily, our bodies touching in the small space where we were standing between the couch and table. I would've preferred a few more minutes with him, but neither of us wante to get carried away, and we were expected somewhere.


        Everybody was seated in Stella's family room, but the first thing I noticed was how Rian was sitting in the recliner, and Kara was perched on the couch, on the opposite end, furthest away from him. They were more relaxed then they had been the first day everybody was together, but the tension was still there, reminding me of the negative consequences that could come from my actions.

        Stella made a late lunch insead of dinner for Kara's early flight, and it seemed like barely any time before Kara was standing up, announcing that it was time she headed for the airport. I watched Stella's face fall, upset that her best friend was leaving again. She was the first to stand up, wrapping Kara in a tight hug.

        "Come back as soon as you can," she muttered as she pulled away, and Kara nodded and smiled reassuringly. She moved around the group, hugging Alex, Jack, Zack and then me.

        "It was really, really great to see you again, Lauren," she said softly, her words coming out by my ear as she hugged me. "Take care of yourself, okay?" All I could do was nod as she pulled away, wondering exactly what she was hinting at. How much had Stella actually told her about everything? She must've known the gist of my situation, the problems between Craig, Zack and me. When Stella had filled her in about my return, I'm sure Kara questioned her about it.

        When Kara stepped back, her eyes wandered slowly towards Rian, who had remained out of the group, watching. She looked like she wanted to say something, but Rian's blank epression was holding her back.

        "Come on, man. Grow a pair and give her a hug," Jack said, clapping Rian on the back. Stella glared at Jack and Kara shook her head softly.

        "No, Jack," she started, "It's..."

        Rian pushed Jack away, taking a step forward. I couldn't help smiling along with everyone else as Kara accepted his first gesture, arms wrapping tightly around his torso. He said something softly in her ear, not loud enough for everybody to hear, but it was clear to everyone else that the tension was gone.

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