Chapter 37: Dress Shopping

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        The guys were spending another full day in the studio, and Stella had somehow talked me into going out with her and Kara. I had planned to study, making sure I didn't fall behind on any school work with all the time I'd been spending with Zack, but as soon as I settled down on my bed with my books, I got a phone call.

        I'd tried to talk my way out of it, explaining that I needed the day for studying, but Stella promised we'd be done by mid-afternoon, well before Zack got out of recording, which left me enough time to study before I saw him. I gave in to her stubbornness after a few minutes, hanging up after she said she was leaving for my apartment with Kara.

        I left my books where they were, figuring that if I'd be home later then I'd look at them then. I changed out of my cotton shorts, and tank-top I'd been wearing, substituting them with jean shorts and a shirt that fell loosely around my shoulders. I hadn't planned on being seen by people, so I had to pull my hair from its messy bun and fix it around my shoulders before adding a small amount of mascara and eyeliner to my eyes.

        I waited in the kitchen for Stella, heading downstairs once she texted me saying they were in the parking lot. I spotted her car immediately next to mine, walking over and entering the back passenger's seat behind Kara.

        They greeted me, Kara turning around to give me a wide smile before turning around again. Stella grinned at me as she draped her arm around Kara's seat, head turning as she backed out.

        "So, I've convinced Stell that we're going to look at dresses," Kara told me from the front, and Stella looked over at her through her large sunglasses, I could picture her rolling her eyes at her friend.

        "Even though the wedding won't be for forever," she sighed, turning the air conditioning up a little as she turned out of the parking lot of my apartment building. The radio was playing softly up front, barely loud enough for me to hear what song was on.

        "Do you wish it could be sooner?" I asked cautiously and Stella shrugged softly, shifting in her seat a little. Kara had her head turned in Stella's direction, both of us watching and waiting as she thought for a moment, deciding how to say what she thought before answering.

        "I understand the guys' busy schedule, really, but I'd like to make some set plans, or even have a vague idea about when we could get married," she admitted. "I know it's not really the first thing on Alex's mind, though. Maybe we could start talking about it after they're done with everything for their new album."

        I nodded, listening as Kara started talking next. The conversation topic didn't stray from weddings for the entire car ride, only dying down a little as we left the car, heading inside. Stella mentioned a store she wanted to go to, and we headed that way, walking slow to glance through the windows of the other stores we passed.

        One of the shops we passed was a bridal shop, and Kara immediately stopped Stella, reaching for her arm, excitedly. Stella glanced up at the store's name, shaking her head.

        "I said we could look at bridesmaids dresses, not wedding dresses," she tried to protest, but Kara didn't stopl pulling Stella softly towards the entrance.

        "At least look at some! You can get an idea of what exactly you're looking for," she exclaimed, leading us into the shop. She started looking automatically, and after a hesitant moment, Stella joined us, browsing through the white gowns. I shuffled slowly through some, unsure of what to even look at.

        Occasionally either Stella or Kara would pick one up, holding it in front of Stella's frame. They ended up putting every one back, moving through the racks, eyeing every dress until Stella finally picked one up, eyes scanning it carefully.

        "What about this one?" she asked sofrly, eyes looking up to meet ours. We both stopped to look at the dress she was holding up, a taffeta pick-up gown with a metallic, beaded lace bodice, lace up the back and a short train. The way Stella was loking at it made it clear that she loved it.

        "Well, go try it on," Kara urged, glancing at the dressing room. Stella glanced at the room, then the dress and then between the two of us. I nodded softly, knowing that even if she wanted to try it on, she was in need of a little encouragement from Kara and me.

        "Really?" she asked softly, looking back at the dress with uncertainty, seeming afraid of something. Maybe the fact that she wasn't getting married any time soon and she didn't want to settle on anything now was holding her back.

        "Yeah, come on," Kara said, linking arms with her, "Just see how it fits," I followed behind them, waiting outside with Kara as Stella slipped into a rooom, changing slowly into te gown.

        Kara caught my eye while we were waiting, smiling warmly at me from opposite sides of the changing room door.

        "So, how've you been?" she asked, leaning her head against the door. We hadn't been alone, just the two of us, which had taken away any chance of us catching up. I shrugged, shifting on my feet.        

        "Busy, school and work stuff," I muttered. "I'l have my masters in management by the end of this summer." I watched her eyes widen slightly, a look of shock and then expectance. She might not have known me for that long, but like everyone else, she knew how seriously I took school, and how hard I tried.

        "Wow, Lauren, that's really great," she smiled. I nodded, tucking my fingers into the pockets of my shorts as Kara crossed her arms, and her shoulder rested against the wall.

        "I guess," I chuckled, "And how've you been?" Kara's smile softened as she started to answer the same way I had, with a shrug, chewing on her lips for a moment before answering, her voice softer than it had been.

        "I've been fine," she answered vaguely. I had a feeling that Rian had influenced a lot of the past year or so of her life. I couldn't help but feel that she was still harboring feelings for him, even if it was she who suggested they break it off, and I was sure that coming out to visit Stella and seeing Rian never made things easier.

        I had expected her to wonder about Craig, as Stella had, but some other thought seemed to catch her attention and she didn't pose any more questions. I couldn't say I didn't mind, talking about Craig only brought back feelings of guilt and worry for the future.

        "You guys ready?" Stella asked, her voice quiet from inside the dressing room, breaking the silence that had fallen between us. Kara's grin quickly returned to her face as she stood up straight, facing the door.

        "Yes," she said excitedly, glancing over in my direction. I took a step away from the door, standing a little to the side of Kara, facing the door.

        Stella opened it slowly, half hiding before moving the door completely and stepping out. She looked completely thrilled, hands gripping the edge of the dress softly as she turned around slowly as Kara asked her to. They were both beaming uncontrollably as Kara clapped her hands softly, repeating how amazing it looked.

        "I'm not actually buying it, Kar," Stella laughed softly, glancing down at the gown as she spoke. "Just trying it on, remember?"

        I watched Stella turn in the dress again, able to imagine her wearing that dress, walking down the aisle towards Alex, his usual smirk replaced with a look of happiness that all grooms wore. Then there would be Zack and me, standing across from each other, eyes meeting after Stella had walked in. We would be standing on opposite sides of the aisle, but I wondered next if there was ever a chance of me standing in the middle of the alter, beside someone in my own white dress.

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