Chapter 30: People

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        I sat in a black chair, leaning back in my seat while I watched everyone flutter around me. It was almost giving me a headache, being around so many people again. I ususally didn't go out when I was with Craig; either too occupied with the one or two days he wanted to spend with me, or just too much to do for school. Craig wasn't here, and I was surprised to see how much free time I actually had.

        "You didn't even order the chicken, douche bag! Get your dirty fingers off!" Jack screeched at Rian, smaking his hand away. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest comfortably.

        "I want one piece!" He complained, reaching for the container again. Jack tried to rip his hands away, but he dove right in anyways, taking a chicken wing from the container. Jack glared at Rian's hand as he turned to get his sub. "I will get Cassadee here, and she'll kick your ass!"

        "She's in Texas for a show, you don't scare me."

        "Are you sure you don't want anything?" Zack asked, face close to my ear while he whispered to me. I shrugged, shaking my head. Sure, I was hungry, but I wasn't going to try and eat anyone's dinner. I should've stopped to get something on the way here.

        I felt Zack's fingers bend to the chair, touching right below my shoulders. He chuckled, lips pressing to the side of my temple for a moment before standing up.

        "Your'e a terrible liar."

        I blushed, watching him walk towards the chaors in front of him. I knew that the guys were here, Stella, and a lot of guys that they took on tour with them. Their merch guy Vinny, their manager Matt, and a few guitar and lighting techs that they were close with. I guess the guys don't have to record tomorrow, and isntead decided to have people over.

        Zack picked up a plate, picking through everything that was placed on the island, and the counters around him. It looked like your average take-out place with pizza, subs, calzones, chicken and french fries. Before I could protest, he was setting it in front of me, sitting in the seat to my side, sliding it closer and causing our knees to bump one another.

        "I'm not hungry," I said with a small laugh, eyes scanning what he got me. He knew I liked calzones, and it was obvious he remembered by the large serving in front of me.

        "Will you just say thank you and eat?" he said with another laugh, picking fries from the side of my plate. My face felt flushed again, murmuring the small appreciation before taking the fork he set next to it, stabbing it into the dinner.

        "You guys are so flipping cute," Stella sighed from the other side of the counter, leaning on her elbow while staring at us. Zack shook his head while I rolled my eyes.

        I guess Zack and I were picking up exactly where we left off, really. It didn't feel like we skipped six years because we fell into it so easily once again. It's only been six days and I was back into a schedule, making time for each other happily. I was remembering everything I forgot, knowing him almost as well as I did before.

        "I'm sure they like you staring at them Stell," Alex sighed, hooking his arm around her waist, pulling her up against his chest. She shrugged with a smile, fingers falling on top of his. He buried his face into the side of her neck, and she let out a small laugh, cheeks turning red before she swatted him away.

        My stomach turned with envy. I could never imagine myself actually settling down with someone with everything that has happened in my life, but I couldn't deny just how badly I wanted someone to love me as much as Alex loved Stella.

        I wanted exactly what they had.

        I put the fork to my mouth, tasting the food. I let out a satisfied breath, glancing from the corner of my eye to Zack who was looking at me with a satisfied smile on his mouth.

        "Shut up," I mumbled while still chewing, covering my mouth with my hand.

        "Don't be mad that every time you've argued with me this past week, you've lost," he said taking another fry off the plate. I rolled my eyes, pausing at the loud explosion of noise that came from the living room. The door was held open, allowing me to glance over my shoulder to the guys who circled the television, x-box controllers in hand.

        "I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, looking over at him with a grin. He was completely right, even though it wasn't something I necessarily minded at this point. He could prove me wrong as many times he wanted as long as he stayed.

        He returned the gesture, a small smile on his mouth. There was another roar of groaning at the game they were playing. I looked at their fun, briefly before looking at Zack again.

        "You can go play with them, I don't mind," I said, hoping that he wasn't bored with me here. All of his best friends were hanging out, even Stella was trying to help Jack by telling him who to shoot.

        He shook his head, putting his palm on my thigh gently. "I'm all set," he said, body leaning towards mine. I licked my bottom lip, looking at his hand before placing mine on top of his, bending my fingers between his. I moved my face cloer to his, allowing him to capture his mouth on mine. I could see the way he hestiated, knowing how I used to act in front of other about public displays of affection.

        But with Zack, I couldn't bring myself to care as long as he was offering.

        Only a moment later, my phone began to ring in the pocket of my jeans. I groaned against his lips, listening to him chuckle at the reaction. He broke away from me, nose skimming my cheek as he looked at where the sound was coming from.

        "Stella and Alex's room is down the hall and to the left," Zack said, offering a quiet place for me to answer it. I nodded, pulling my face away broke listening to his directions, happy to see that no one was occupying the room when I arrived.

        I closed the door behind myself, flicking on the lights. The room was plain with white walls stuffed with clothes, guitars, and music sheets scattered about. They were only renting the apartment for the summer; it made sense that they don't decorate a room that would change in a few weeks.

        I pulled the thought from my head, taking my phone from my pocket. The name that displayed on the screen was one that made my palms sweat. I let out a breath, clicking the call buttom before lifting it to my ear.

        "Hello?" I said into the phone, walking towards the window in the far corner.

        "Hey hon," Craig's voice rang through, a happy tone apparently on his voice. "How are you?"

        "I'm alright, hanging out with Stella," I said, thinking that for whatever reason, half-lying was better than lying completely. "How's -- er, where are you now?" I asked, hand moving to my forehead to focus on one thought.

        "Ireland," He said, seeming surprised. I usually was good at keeping things in order, he knew that. "And it's great, beers great, girls are great."

        "Charming," I said with a small, sarcastic laugh, still feeling bitter at the thought of other girls. I wasn't sure why it was still bothering me; I had Zack here, more than willing to be with me. Why was I concerned with Craig?

        "Oh, I know," he said with a chuckle, "What have you been up to?"

        "Nothing really, the usual," I said, lying through my teeth. My tongue blazed with the false statement, I bit it nce, in fear that it might act on its own and spill all my secrets. "Listen, I have a huge test tomorrow and I'm trying to study, can I call you later?"

        "Sure," he said easily, but I knew that if I tried, he probably wouldn't answer. He would be out at some club with his new buddies or on a date with a girl he wanted to bang. There was no time for me when I was making the effort. "Love you, Laur."

        I chewed on the inside of my mouth, feet fidgeting underneath me. I nodded, even though he couldn't see it, feeling how much my heart ached at the words.

        "Love you too, Craig."

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